Book Title: Atmanandji Jainacharya Janmashatabdi Smarakgranth
Author(s): Mohanlal Dalichand Desai
Publisher: Atmanand Janma Shatabdi Smarak Trust
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O. Stein
स्थानेष्वेव नियोज्यन्ते (p. 240 on 24, 60 ) : V. 2844. Spr. 7221. ef.
4744. Pancat. I 72. Hitop. II 64. स्त्रीयोऽतिवक्रतायुक्ता (p. 223 on 24, 11): हीनो नृपोऽल्पम् (p. 351. on 30, 27 ) :
The relation of the verses attributed to Vallabhadeva and the actual verses in his anthology to the total number is 12:45 or 26 2/3 %; the verses identified in other sources is 9 : 45 or 20%.
Of Sukra there are not less than 170 ( with 4 repetitions 174 ) quotations; of these can be said as much : The verse p. 271 (on 26, 41):
अपराधानुरूपोऽत्र दण्डः कार्यो महीभुजा ।
पुत्रास्यापि किमन्येषां ये स्युः पापपरायणाः ॥ shows in the beginning some resemblance to V. 2828.
___The verse p. 202 (on 21, 1 ) आपत्काले च सम्प्राप्ते in the beginning and the end : राज्ञां स कोशः परिकीर्तितः has a conform wording in the quotation ascribed to the Guru p. 202 ( on 21, 2) : आपत्काले च सम्प्राप्ते, resp. स कोशो गुणवान् स्मृतः । The beginning is found also in Spr. 952 and in a verse ascribed to Narada p. 217 (see below ). The verse p. 250 ( on 24, 87 ):
आयाति स्खलितैः पादैः सभायां पापकर्मकृत् ।
प्रस्वेदनेन संयुक्तो अधोदृष्टिः सुर्मनाः ? ॥ finds a similar expression in Spr. 988f. Pancat. I 198f. The verse p. 84 (on 7, 9):
कृषिकर्म गवारक्षा यज्ञाद्यं दम्भवर्जितम् ।
पुण्यानि सत्रपूर्वाणि वैश्यवृत्तिरुदाहृता ॥ is connected with Sukranīti 122, 34 :
कृषिगोगुप्तिवाणिज्यमधिकं तु विशां स्मृतम् । __ The verse p. 198 (on 20, 1) begins with : दंष्ट्राविरहितः सर्पो यथा नागो मदच्युतः as the verse p. 356 (on 30, 41 ), attributed to Narada : दंष्ट्राविरहितः सर्पो भग्नशृंगोऽथवा वृषः। The verse p. 358 ( 30, 53 ) न दायादाShatabdi Granth ]
.: 163.
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