Book Title: Atmanandji Jainacharya Janmashatabdi Smarakgranth
Author(s): Mohanlal Dalichand Desai
Publisher: Atmanand Janma Shatabdi Smarak Trust
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O. Stein
expected in a law-book; he occurs in Sr. 88, 22; perhaps in the Caṇakyanīti, marked as Tj. B. 52 by Kr.:
'व्याघ्रः सेवति काननं सुगहनं सिंहो गुहां सेवते etc. The verse on p. 328 (on 29, 57) begins like a well-known verse in Sr. 101, 5. Spr. 5947f. On verse p. 356 (on 30, 41) see above p.... and compare his beginning with that of the verses in Spr. 2675-77, the same may be said of verse p. 357 (on 30, 48 ), if compared with Spr. 1392-94.
None of these verses, attributed to Narada, seems to be met in the Naradasmrti; the relation of traced verses to the untraced is 4. 87% 95. 13%. Noteworthy is the verse p. 267 (on 26, 29) as Narada is quoted within the verse:
दरिद्रो यो भवेन्मत्यों हीने विषयसेवने ।
तस्य जन्म भवेद् व्यर्थं प्राहेदं नारदः स्वयम् ॥
29 verses are ascribed to Vyasa; out of them the verse p. 28 (on 2, 3) is found in S. 338. Sr. 67, 9. Pancat. I 401. II 116. This verse, occuring in the Mahabharata III 86 (ed. Calc. ). Hitop. I 143, see Spr. 5160, belongs according to S'. to Visņusarman, Buehler (in Pancat. p. 80 note to II 116) understands S. ascribing that verse to Vyasamuni (cf. S'. ad 3363). As the verse in the Commentary shows a slight variation, he may be quoted:
यथामिषं जले मत्स्यैर्भक्ष्यते श्वापदैर्भुवि ।
आकाशे पक्षिभिश्चैव तथार्थोऽपि च मानवैः ॥
The verse p. 78 (on 6, 38) is identical with V. 2785 and S 1369 where it is stated to be taken from a Rajanīti; slight variations occur in the Commentary:
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प्रसादो निष्फलो यस्य कोपाश्चापि निरर्थकः । न तं भर्त्तारमिच्छन्ति प्रजाः पण्डमिव स्त्रियः ॥
The verse is found also is Mahabharata, see Spr. 4285; finely, in Sr. 152, 158 and here he is ascribed to Vyasamuni (p. 72 of the Anukramaņikā). And the verse p. 387 (on 32, 19):
नासत्ययुक्तं वचनं हिनस्ति न स्त्रीषु राजा न विवाहकाले । प्राणात्यये सर्वधनापहारी पंचानृतान्याहुरपातकानि ॥
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