Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
16. For translation vide DHV S.No.(24.10) supra
17. The hair of the dark young slender lady which enjoyed a caressing contact with
her hips felt sad as it were at being tied up in a knot above and shed tears.
18. For translation vide DHV S.No.(1.6) supra
19. For translation vide DHV S.No.(14.8) supra 20. For translation vide DHV S.No.(45.15) supra 21. For transltion vide DHV S.No.(3.6) supra. 22. For translation vide DHV S.No.(36.13) supra
23. On the occasion of viparīta - rata ('contrary intercourse' - where the woman
takes the man's position, above while the man lies below) when Laksmī saw Brahmă seated on the navel - lotus (of her husband Visnu) she was overcome with shame and instantly closed the right eye of Vişnu.
(Note : Mammața observes : the term Hari (=Vişnu) suggests the fact of his right eye being the sun — the Purānas describe the sun and the moon as the right and left eyes of Vişnu – hence the closing of that eye suggests sunset, which further suggests the closing of the petals of the lotus and the consequent veiling of Brahmă seated upon it, which lastly suggests the fact that her private parts being rendered invisible to him, her sport of love / love - game would continue unhindered / uninhibited ).
24. For translation vide DHV S.No.(34.12) supra 25. For translation vide DHV S.No.(22.10) supra 26. For translation vide DHV S.No.(18.9) supra 27. For translation vide DHV S.No.(20.9) supra 28. For translation vide DHV S.No.(25.11) supra 29. For translation vide DHV S.No. (* 6.7) supra