Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
impressed upon him a thousand marks resembling the female organ; These marks were afterwords changed into eyes and hence he is called HEUTET (thousand-eyed, an epithet of Indra). Arglas is also known as gte or 37747, the lord of serpents; he is spoken of as having many (or countless or a thousand) ears.
* 38. He showers praise on poets in these words : "Blessed indeed are these poets
who show us the omnifarious world as reflected in their poetic works, to be either meaningful and full of joy or absolutely hollow and unsubstantial."
* 39. The remark "This verse / gātha is corrupt and therefore obscure" is misplaced.
Vide ŚP S. No. (39.348) supra. • 43. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide DHV S. No. (12.29) supra.
45. पडिकम्म may better be understood as परिकर्म / प्रतिकर्म: - dressing, painting, or
perfuming the body, especially after bathing. 47. Read in the fourth quarter vicift. 49. 51. 52. Vide Extracts from Sanskrit Commentary in Appendix I.
72. Vide Extracts from Sanskrit Commentary in Appendix I.
80. In the Sanskrit chāyā read aluciato for F10. Hemacandra (Desī, p. 192) declares
:. 1979 TU1737317 a quie T --- sud : 497rf: So NECT = alueIci, hut of a ausid - an outcast; 46 means a distiller or vendor of spirituous liquors, an inn-keeper; TRERuca (= Roc) pot. pass. part. from yor (Sk. R + ). faut
The-vira fallen on evil days or bad times; TUTTE - Uşaic - a place enclosed and prepared for a sacrifice.
82. The first half of this gātha as printed in the text is metrically defective. If we • were to read it as 'ण उणो वर-कोअंडे पुत्तिएँ माणूसए वि एमेअ।' the gatha metre would
not be violated.
101. मंडइआ (Sk. मुण्डितिका = अलम्बुषा(सा) a sort of a sensitive plant); चुण्ण (Sk. चूर्ण) powder,
flour, aromatic powder; $41737 (Sk. 914) - a decoction (the result of boiling down a mixture consisting of one part of a drug and four or, according to some,