Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
Viśveśvara observes : 375 facCHT'IAH 1.teqGTU SHUGcufafafa-: 1
8.582. The poet describes in this stanza the daybreak (prabhāta - varnana). The
resemblance or similarity between the Day and the elephant is brought out by resorting to अनुगामित्व and समासभेद. Viśveśvara remarks : 377 VEZTATURA HARTAC, FENTHAUTETTUA (ara, p. 40).
9.583. In this skandhaka Sugrīva's tall reddish figure is compared to the summit
of the Meru mountain, the black figure of Jāmbavat to the dense smoke of
pralayāgni' and Rāma to the sun. 'रामान्तेन रामसमीपेन, रामपार्थेन वलित: रामाभिमुखं निवृत्त इत्यर्थ: ।'
10.583. Wayfarers take the lotus-plant (nalini) for their beloved, and its lotus for
her face. Glosaicuraquist and PRITARIT correspond to each other; the attributes मधुकरीमधुरोल्लापम् and मधुमदाताम्रम् qualify मुख and कमल by समासभेद and Aitor respectively.
11.583. The figure in this stanza is Upamă (Comparison). Madhumathana, the slayer
of the demon Madhu (i.e., Vişnu) who is dark-complexioned is likened to the Vindhya mountain darkened by the black ashes left behind by the forestfires; Vişnu is sprinkled with the milk splashed at the time of the churning of the milk - ocean; and the Vindhya mountain is surrounded by white waterless clouds. A very charming simile indeed ! ART FRÍT (HU) The final & in rf is shortened metri causa.
12.583. The ocean was absorbing (or receiving) its own water as if it were its own
fame - the water, scattered by the rumbling clouds and pervading the interval between sky and the earth and fell like a waterfall through the mouths of the rivers; the fame too spread abroad by the bards and expanding through the praises of humble petitioners and permeating the entire heavens, the earth and the nether world.
13.583. The sparkling and clear waters in the lake fragrant with lotuses are compared
to the faces of the wayfarers' beloved wives, having sparkling eyes, and fragrant like lotuses.