Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
39.589. This gatha is cited to illustrate Aprastuta-prasamsa in which both the visesya
and visesana are Slista (paronomastic, double-meaning). After citing the gatha, Visvesvara observes: अत्र हि तत्सदृश: कामशास्त्राभिज्ञो युवा प्रतीयते ।
40.589. Visvesvara cites this gatha as an example of Aprastuta-prasamsa. After citing :
this gāthā, he observes : परिच्छदहीनं जननिन्दितं च नायकं कामयमानाया इयमुक्ति: । (धूलिमालिन्यादीनां गजे सत्त्वेन . व्यङ्गयनायकनिष्ठधर्माध्यारोपानपेक्षा ।) धूलि-० (धूलिमलिन:) soiled with dust; पंकंकिओ (पङ्काङ्कित:) besmeared with mud; तण (तृणरचितदेहभरण:) = तृणैः कृतं देहस्य भरणं (पोषणं) येन स : - who lives on grass%; गरुअत्तणेण- गुरुकत्वेन (आत्मनो गुरुकतया शरीरस्य महापरिमाणेन - because of the hugeness of his body; ढक्कं समुव्वहइ (ढक्कां समुदहति =) समरवाह्यं महाविशालं यश:पटहं वहति - carries (is privileged to carry) the kettle - drum.
41.589. This gātha is already dealt with; vide KP S. No. (50.431) supra.
Viśveśvara, after citing the gāthā, remarks : अत्र प्रकृतनायिकावृत्तिलावण्यादिकं नायिकान्तरवृत्तिलावण्यादिकजातीयमपि तद्विजातीये तयोक्त (? तद्विजातीयतयोक्त)मिति तदुत्कर्षप्रतीतिः । He adds : क्वचित्तस्यैवावस्थाविशेषेण तस्मात् भेदः ।
cites the following skandhaka from Setu as an example.
42.589. Rama's left arm, which was worn by the grief caused by prolonged
separation from his beloved Sītā ----- assumed an altogether different form as soon as he took up the bow. Viśveśvara remarks: अत्र समुद्रभेदनार्थं धनुषि गृहीते श्रीरामभुजस्य तत्पूर्वावस्था तस्मादेवान्यत्वोक्त्यातिचण्डत्वप्रतीति :। - (पृ. २७८).
43.589. In this skandhaka from Setu, the autumn is described as the pathway to
Sugrīva's fame, the first support to Rāma's life, the hindrance to Sītā's tears and the day of Ravana's doom. The autumn is the real season of military expedition. Here the cause is represented as identical or non-different from its effects : अत्र बाष्पविमोक्षहेतुत्वेन तदारोपः । (पृ. २८०). Therefore it is an example of Atisayokti (Karye kåranabhedādhyavasanarūpā.)