Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
comments on it: अत्र विनाशकारणाद् विज्ञानाद् यदि मदस्योत्पत्ति: तत् केनान्येन निवार्यत इति निवारणासामर्थ्यम् । - पृ. ११५.
75. Sobhakara cites this gatha in the course of his treatment of the figure Asakya.
He thus comments on it : अत्र ऋजुना रमणेन वक्रेणापि वा प्रियविषये प्रियकरणमशक्यतयोक्तम् । - पृ. ११६.
76. This gatha is already dealt with; vide SP S. No. (372.119) supra.
Sobhākara cites it here as an example of the figure Vyatyāsa (newly added by him). It occurs when 'dosa' and guna are represented as 'guna' and 'dosa' respectively. In this găthă ‘marana' which is a 'dosa' is represented as praiseworthy. Hence it is an example of Vyatyāsa. Sobhākara comments on it as follows : अनयोरन्यासां मरणस्य दुष्टत्वेऽपि अस्यां श्लाघनीयत्वेन गुणत्वम् । - पृ. ११६.
77. In the course of his treatment of the figure Vyatyāsa, Sobhākara introduces this
gatha. He thus comments on it : - अत्र सुकृतस्य गुणस्य पारम्पर्येण पापात्मकदोषजनकत्वेन विरूपकार्योत्पत्तिरूपो विषमालंकारो न व्यत्यास: । गुणस्यैव देशकालभेदेन दोषतायामेतस्य भावात् ।
78. Sobhakara cites this gatha as an example of the figure Samata, newly introduced
by him. He thus comments on it : अत्रानुनयार्थं पादपतनचाटुकादि कुर्वता पादपतनेनार्जितस्य प्रसादाख्यस्य गुणस्य चाटुकान्तर्गतेन गोत्रस्खलनेन हारणमिति गुणो दोषेण समाहितः ।
79. Sobhākara cites this stanza as an example of the figure Udreka newly introduced ... by him. He thus comments on it ; इत्यादावुदयास्तमयरूपयो: द्वयोरपि गुणदोषयो: पङ्कजदोषकर्तृकया
दोषात्मिकाया: श्रीप्राप्त्या तिरोहितत्वात्तुच्छत्वम् । --- पृ. १२०.
80. Sobhākara cites this gāthā as an example of the figure Tulya, newly added by _him. He thus comments on it: --- घनालिङ्गनस्य गुणस्योत्पत्ती जलकेलिरूपगुणान्तरनिवृत्ति: । -
पृ. १२१. For he explains the nature of his new figure thus : (एकस्य दोषस्य निवृत्तौ दोषान्तरोदयो) गुणस्योदयो गुणान्तरनिवृत्तिश्चेति (दोषनिवारणे दोषान्तराविर्भावाद्) गुणाश्रयणे गुणान्तरनिवृत्तेराधिक्याभावात्
तुल्यम् । - पृ. १२०. 81. Sobhākara cites this gāthā as an example of the figure Anādara, newly intorduced
by him. The forehead, coloured with the dark paste of (fragrant) musk, is unwilling to carry the face which is darkened with the darkish dent --- and thus indicates its disrespect towards the face. Hence we have here the figure Anādara.