Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
He remarks: अत्र मृगनाभिश्यामलेन ललाटेन न मुखमपि तु किणकालस्य वतामुख(?)मित्यवगमादुक्तनिमित्तस्तुल्यानादरः । - पृ. १२२.
82. Sobhakara cites this gatha as an example of the figure Adara, newly added by
him. In this stanza we are told : When betel leaves were available, the pippalī leaves were discarded, but when they were not available, people again took to eating pippali leaves; so too in a village when strangers are not roundabout even one's own husband is good enough for enjoying the delights of love. Sobhakara remarks on this gatha : अत्र पर्ण-परपुरुषाद्यवाप्तौ स सम्पत्तिकानिजपत्योस्त्यक्तयोरपि पुन: पर्णाद्यलाभे स्वीकार: । पृ. १२२.
83. Sobhakara cites this gatha as an example of the figure Anukrti (हेत्वन्तरादन्यस्यापि
तथात्वमनुकृति: 1) The gatha informs us: "Women close their eyes out of deep satisfaction that sexual pleasure gives and they continue to remain closed out of deep sleep." Sobhākara comments thus
अत्र रतिसखनिमित्तकस्य नेत्रनिमीलनस्य स्थितस्य निद्रया दृढीकरणम् । - प्र. १२५.
84. Sobhākara cites this gātha as an example of the figure Pratyūhaḥ, newly added
by him. Sobhakara thus comments: अत्र दाहप्रवृत्ते: गङ्गाजलसंसर्गानिवृत्ति: । - पृ. १२५.
85. This gātha is already dealt with: vide A'Ratnakara S. No. (58.557) supra.
Sobhākara cites it here as an example of the figure Pratyādesa, newly added by him. He thus remarks : --- अङ्गलघुत्वस्य मानगुरुत्वस्य च प्रवृत्तस्य मधुमदविलासनिमित्तिका गौरवलाघवापादान-प्रतिपादनद्वारा निवृत्तिरभिहिता | ---- पृ. १२७.
86. Sobhākara cites this gāthā as an example of the figure Pratyādeśa, newly added
by him. He thus comments:
---- लाञ्छनस्य प्रवृत्तस्य निवृत्तिर्नखप्रभाच्छादनमुखेन सम्भावितेति प्रतिभालिङ्गितत्वम् । - पृ. १२७. 87. Śobhākara cites this gāthä as an example of the figure Pratyādeśa. He thus
comments: अत्र प्रवर्तितस्य च्छिद्रस्य गुणपूरणमुखेन निवृत्तिरुपनिबद्धा । - पृ. १२७. 88. Sobhākara cites this gatha as an example of the figure Pratyadesa. He thus ___comments on it: