Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
5. RAS speaks of 'mada-vrddhih' of three types of persons uttama, madhyama and
adhama, a high class, middle class, or inferior person respectively. It cites the stanza under reference to illustrate the mada-vęddhi (increased intoxication) of an inferior person (adhamasya madavęddhiḥ).
6. 16 = poufa; the usual form, of course is yes, fut. - 3rd pers. sing. from 5 (317
+ 7), to come; goudy and 3yut out are pot. Ist and 3rd pers. sing. forms respectively. They are used here in the sense of the future tense. RAS cites this stanza to illustrate jādyam (Failing or forgetting or not knowing the course of action to be followed), arising from 1942f' (The sight of or meeting with one's lover).
It may be noted here that the first half of this gātha is identical with the first half of GS I. 17. The second half there runs : इअ कस्स वि फलइ मणोरहाण माला पिअअमम्मि ।। (इति कस्यापि फलति मनोरथानां माला प्रियतमे।।) It means:
Such a series of desires cherished about one's lover bears fruit--fructifies—in the case of some fortunate woman only and not in my case.
RAS adds the following comment after citing the stanza : 377 Rugsfuld visi gala paarifa RUTT uudi - .900.
afgesaut (hearing of
7. RAS cites this stanza to illustrate jādyam arising from
unpleasant or disagreeable speech or news).
8. RAS cites this stanza (of Simhabhūpāla) to illustrate jādyam arising out of
3f0cgeht (the sight of undesirable or evil thing or happening).
9. RAS cites this stanza to illustrate cintā (worry), one of the thirty-three vyabhicări
bhāvas (transitory or evanescent feelings). Emaciation or thinness (kärsya), having the face downwards (or the face bent), remorse or anguish (samtāpa), sighs (niśvāsa), breathing (ucchvasana), etc., are its consequents. This cintā may be due to istavastu-apariprāptiḥ (failing to secure the desired object) or aiśvarya-bhraíśana (loss of supremacy, power, the state of being a mighty lord)