Chapter XVIII Prakrit Verses in Alamkāra-ratnākara
1.546. This gātha is already dealt with; vide DHV S. No. (33.12) supra.
2.546. The comparison between the miser's wealth and a child in the womb by a
paramour is quite original and striking. The common property between the upameya and Upamāna is the action of ‘rakṣaṇa' - guarding, etc.
3. 546. Arist (AUTO) while being made (or drawn) - pres. pass. part. nom. sing.
fem. from the root ‘kara' (kr). HTT (Hait) friendship; 31U16T (3779) unscathed, safe; TETUT (9797) rock or stone.
4. The latter part of the second half of this gāthā is short by one mātrā (mora,
metrical unit); H16U (HIGIRI) the peculiar efficacy or virtue (of any divinity or sacred shrine - in the present context it is however used ironically); Kali : the fourth age of the world, the iron age (consisting of 432,000 years of men and
beginning from the 8th of February, 3102 B.C.) 5. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (667.174) supra.
6. This gātha is already dealt with; vide DHV Locana S. No. (28.11) supra. 7. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide A Sarvasva - Vimarsini S. No. (31.442)
supra. GRK S. No. (677) reads Halad for Hafazi. That reading is decidedly better.
8. तरलाविएहि is equated by the editor with "तरलीकृतैः"; but it would be better to equate
it with "arrad:". ' BIRT TUTT' 'How are you related to Madana, the god of love (who is the standard of comparison for the most handsome young man) i.e., you are as handsome as Madana is the suggested sense.
9. This găthā is already dealt with; vide KP S. No. (25.424) supra.
Sobhākara comments on this gātha as follows: