Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
शिवाभ्यामेव विज्ञेयमित्ययं हि समृद्धिमान् ॥
(RAS II. 227.228) Simhabhūpāla thus comments on the above gātha : अत्र पुनरुज्जीवितेन कामेन सह रत्या रतेर्बाह्योपचारानपेक्षयैव तत्फलरूपसुखप्राप्तिकथनात् संभोग: समृद्ध्यति ।
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19. This gātha is already dealt with; vide DR Avaloka S.No. (1.26) supra.
Simhabhūpāla cites it here in the context of rasābhāsa. He holds that in the case of pragabhāva the question does not arise तत्र प्रागभावे दर्शनादिकारणेषु संभावितेषु Picaf- FHIRT TATHI - 9. 288.
20. RAS cites this as an example of Rasābhāsa (caused by mleccha-rāga). After
citing it RAS comments on it as follows : अत्र सुरतमोहनसुप्तिमरणदशयोविवेकाभावेन हालिकस्य म्लेच्छत्वं गम्यते ।
Incidentally, it may be stated that Simhabhūpāla firmly holds that in the case of lower animals (and mlecchas), we have rasābhāsa and he attacks Vidyādhara for accepting the view that in their case we have rasa, and not rasābhāsa.
21. This gātha is already dealt with; vide RAS S.No. (19.544) supra.
22. RAS cites this stanza as an example of one of the 36 Bhūşaņas (= Lakşaņas),
called Padoccaya, which in course of time was adopted as Sahokti alamkāra. Raghavan rightly observes ".. while some (Laksaņas) are plainly alamkaras, others have an element of Alaskāra in them, and in still others, the expression as a whole is more than Alamkāra." - Studies On Some Concepts Of The Alamkara Sāstra (p. 48).
23. This line occurs in Bălarāmāyaṇa and it is cited here by Simhabhūpāla as an
example of Bahirlapā nāma Nalikā; the reply to the question ARRUTETTU arctica PHOI (9.4) is : Bălarāmāyana : This reply is to be searched for outside the play : SCUE MISRIHIRUARYTARU afeta care afectat a lehet
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24. Dr. A. M. Ghatage writes to say: "In the edition of Balárāmāyana, edited by
Dr. Gangasagar Roy and published by Ticar ARC ART ARTUR 1986, the stanza