Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
sulking ladies) mixed with collyrium in their eyes.
In the above gătha the sādhārana-dharma, the cause of sadrśya that leads to bhrānti (error) is of the nature of bimba-pratibimbabhāva.
18. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S.No. (684.176) supra. Ruyyaka cites
it here as an example of the figure Ullekha (Representation). Here Lord Krsna is apprehended as God Nārāyana by grown-up ladies, as the consort of Sri (= Lakşmī) by young women and out of curiosity just like that by young girls. Incidentally, it may be noted that Mammata does not treat of this figure, whereas Viśvanātha does.
* 19. Vimarsini cites this gāthā as an example of Svarūpotpreksā, and thus comments
on it : 37 Ceiriad UC-14-bergila Arif Qulluisur Fautefaci तदौन्मुरव्योत्पादकत्वादि च निमित्तमनुपात्तम् । - पृ. ७५.
20. This gātha is already dealt with; vide KP S.No. (19.422) and A’Sarvasva S.No. . (* 4.437) supra. Ruyyaka cites it here as an example of the figure
Pratīyamānotprekşā. He thus comments : '31413ia' FUATA
Incidentally, it may be noted that Mammața thus comments on it : 377 Arachu 'तनोस्तनूकरणेऽपि तव हृदये न वर्तते इति विशेषोक्तिः। - प्र. १४६:
* 21. Vimarsini cites this gātha as an example of Phalotpreksā; it thus comments
: 37 stafara lica I HARUCHT - a woman singer of auspicious songs on the occasion of the wedding ceremony. (na) Hnt; Muvia, pres pass. part. of (Sk. *) to sing; staE34T5 = uforgquar: 'of the maiden soon to be married'; QR-T-CT-chuifel: of (the bride) who was attentively listening to the name (gotra) of the bridegroom mentioned in the song. Read : R-HMISI Sci 14 sta Rifa: 497414, 9. - 268; 7hb Arifa:- horripilation manifested itself (on the bride's body); sifa - as if to hear (the bridegroom's name). Romañca is one of the eight sättvika-bhāvas.
22. The Man-lion's mane (ERT-GT) with its mass of reddish hair (DCR-CYR) is
fancied to be a heap of lightning-flashes, now left without support - as the