Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
supra. Bhoja and Narendraprabha cite this gātha as an example of cintă (worry), one of the 33 vyabhicări-bhāvas (transitory states). Bhoja thus comments : 37 सखीरोदनेन शून्यकलह:, शून्यकलहेन साक्षात्कारः, साक्षात्कारेण चिन्ता, चिन्तया तु मूलभूता रतिः प्रकृष्यते ।
- सरस्वती, पृ. ५८४.. 23. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚP S.No. (216.86); SK S.No. (181.376)
supra. Bhoja and Narendraprabha both cite it as an example of nidrā (sleeping), one of the 33 vyabhicări-bhāvas (transitory states). Bhoja introduces the gātha
with the remark : 'तद्रूपेण रसस्यानुबन्धो यथा -' and after citing it thus comments upon it : अत्र रति - श्रम-जागरादि - जनितनिद्रालसा दृष्टिनिपातास्तारकाघूर्णनत्र्यस्रवलनादिभिरनुबध्यते।
- सरस्वती, पृ..५९४. 24. This gatha is already dealt with; vide SP S.No. (218.87) and SK S.No. (182.376)
supra. Bhoja and Narendraprabha cite this gāthā as an example of suptam (sound sleep), one of the 33 vyabhicari-bhāvas (transitory states). Bhoja introduces this gātha with the remark : 'तद्रूपेण रसप्रकर्षो यथा -'. He, after citing it, thus comments upon it : अत्र निर्भर-पदेनैव प्रकर्षः प्रतिपद्यते । -सरस्वती० पृ. ५९४. .
25. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S.No. (194.82) and SK S.No. (172.374)
supra. Bhoja and Narendraprabha both cite this stanza as an example of rasābhāsa (lit. the semblance of sentiment, 'ungenuine sentiment'). Bhoja (SK p. 576) introduces this stanza with the remark (रतिरूपेण) नायकप्रतियोगिषु (रसाभासो) यथा-'. Locana (p. 78) defines abhasa as : औचित्येन प्रवृत्तौ चित्तवृत्तेरास्वाद्यत्वे स्थायिन्या रसो, व्यभिचारिण्या भाव:, अनौचित्येन तदाभास:, रावणस्येव सीतायां रते: । In the present stanza we have description of Rāvana's rati for Sītā, the wife of Rāma. Rāvana is a rival (pratiyogin) of Rāma, the hero. Hence there is impropriety (anaucitya) regarding Rāvana's abhilāşa and rati for Sītā. Hence it is a case of rasābhāsa (Srigarabhāsa).
26. This verse is already dealt with; vide ŚP S.No. (1417.302) and SK S.No.
(170.374) supra. SP (p. 1164) introduces this gathā thus : तत्र संक्षेपत: कनिष्ठ: तामस:
शठो धीरप्रशान्त (नायक) इति । तेष्वर्थगुणसम्पद्योगात् कनिष्ठः। SK (p. 575) introduces it with the remark : 'रतिरूपेण हीनपात्रेषु रसाभासो यथा -'. Narendraprabha (p. 98) observes : 'हीनजातिषु मनुष्येष्वपि केऽपि रसाद्याभासं मन्यन्ते । यथा-'