Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
1. This gātha is already dealt with; vide KP S.No. (3.418) supra. 3. This is cited from GS (IV. 92) P R31 = picant (p.p.p used as a noun, - picapr.
also written as far - the hissing sound ("sīt' or 'sit') supposed to indicate pleasure or pain; f0f3T (
ACT) - an. inarticulate sound or murmur said to be uttered (by women) during cohabitation; Rift37cm (= papura/Popula) - the tinkling sound of silver ornaments on (the ankles or) wrist; the tinkling of metallic ornaments caused by shaking of the hands (eneral); alset (= spuit) a young woman.
18. This is Setu XI. 55. Vide Extract from Sanskrit Commentary in Appendix I.
25. This gătha is corrupt and obscure. The second half may tentatively be
reconstructed as follows:
समप्पइ विरहो एंते वि पिए ण एंते वि ॥ (समाप्यते विरह: आयत्यपि प्रिये नायत्यपि )
29. (i) The Sanskrit chāyā of this verse is after P. L. Vaidya’s edn. (p. 695). In
it 'tanu' is rendered as 'tanvyäh' (of the fair one). Pandit B. J. Doshi's edn. renders 'tanu' as 'tanuh' qualifying radana-vranah'. Dr. H. C. Bhayani too renders 'tanu' as 'tanuḥ' qualifying fradana-vraṇaḥ'. (ii) This verse is corrupt and obscure.
37. This verse is corrupt and obscure.
41. This verse is corrupt and obscure.
42. This verse is corrupt and obscure.
46. Note : Read : Vide S.No. (9.450) supra" in Vol. I.
49. 37TH of course, certainly; 46c dense; quisi-Ticht line or cluster of trees, woods;
JECT (FR) chattering, garrulous; U - aquatic bird, a water-fowl; RIRE cool; tar - name of the Narmadā river (which rises in one of the Vindhya mountains, called Amrakūta or more commonly Amarakantak in Gondwan, and after a westerly course of about 800 miles falls into the sea below Broach. Tiferit: desft 3 TU: - some unique qualities of Narmadā. The unique qualities of the river Reva-Narmadă are possibly its depth, its holiness, transparence, clearness,