Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
other. Hence the gatha is an example of g reiciurriufe:. Hemacandra however does not regard trafe as a separate, independent figure but includes it in his figure riche which is wider in its scope than the riche defined by Mammata and other alamkärikas.
74.493. As the context of this gātha is not given, there is a doubt as to who of
the two, शठतरपोटा and पाटला - (or पाटली-लता) is the relevant (prastuta) one and this doubt gives rise to two figures wird (The Speech of Brevity) and 3Fullca (= Aprastuta-prasarsa — Irrelevant Description). In other words, we have in this gāthā the figure pirty-Fi. Hemacandra paraphrases णिग्गंडदुरारोह as 'कठिनदुरारोहाम्'. पोटा is a masculine woman, a woman with a beard or such other 'masculine features. STORICT is a very crafty, deceitful' - masculine woman. Call or wisit is a kind of tree.
Incidentally, we may note that Bhuvanapāla, while commenting on this gāthā, remarks : 3721914&OTTRI Fferior:
75.493. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide DR S.No. (4.26) supra. Incidentally,
it may be noted that Vajjālagga (St. No. 467) reads the second half as follows :
सव्वे वि अग्गचलिया पियम्मि कयणिच्छए गंतुं ॥ [सर्वेऽप्यग्रचलिता: प्रिये कृतनिश्चये गन्तुम् ॥]
One and all - her youthful attractiveness, her loveliness, her amorous actions and graceful gestures - started to go away in advance of her dear lover) (i. e., they deserted her completely).
76.493. This gatha is already dealt with; vide DR S.No. (16.31) supra. 77.493. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚP S.No. (466.138) supra.
77.a.493. Note : Regarding the citations from the Cūdamaņi-Dombika (p. 447, v.
583, v. 584, p. 448, line 7) and from Gunamåla (- Dombika) (p. 448, line 15), we admit, it has not been possible to present correct or even tolerably intelligible text. We find Dr. H. C. Bhayani has made an earnest