Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
25. Mammața thus comments on this stanza
Riaurinformatie Ja çfa cura(= 77) Fruif-93114 (= yeta) seuil UGETU ara avudo g. 967.
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26. Mammata thus comments on this stanza : 37
तत् कथय कीदृगिति व्यतिरेक: कहं ( कथं) पदगम्यः।
On the Prakrit form Bedat Dr. Ghatage writes : “The reading verkat is taken by almost all commentators as Togethit and to mean 'an extra one, an unwanted person or thing 'd e 3fedt . The correct passive present participle A. from उद् + श्रि must be उच्छ्रीयमाण and not उच्छ्रियमाण. Why they have given this wrong form it is difficult to find. Possibly the older usage of 7 pass. Bred as against the classical grammatical form sirud may have influenced them. But I doubt it. The Prakrit form उच्छेरंतो can be taken as active pre. part. Sk. उद् + श्रयन् in the sense of (necklace) 'rising up, heaving (on the bosom of the lady) which is being removed by her friend in the form of a close embrace? The idea of the commentators that the (the pearl-necklace) is removed like a third person i.e., an intruder, may be more recondite but not expressed by the poet. Pa37 can be taken as 319 T 'and'. Tr. : "O, friend, on the occasion o: your first courtship, when the necklace which was heaving (on your bosom) was set aside by the close embrace as a friend, then how went your courtship (further)?”
27. Read the following extract from Balabodhini (pp. 163-164) : JAHO
संकेतस्थानं गत्वा शून्यं तत् विलोक्य जलघटं स्कन्धे गृहीत्वा गृहद्वारपर्यन्तं समागतां पश्चात् संकेतस्थानयायिनं 'स्वकामुकमवलोक्य पुनर्जलानयनव्याजात् संकेतस्थानं गन्तुं विवलितं वदनं कृत्वा द्वारस्खलनव्याजेन घटं क्षिप्त्वा
लोकवञ्चनायै रुदतीं सखी प्रतीयमुक्तिश्चतुराया: 'अपरं घटं गृहीत्वा गच्छ अहं सर्वं समाधास्ये' इत्यभिप्रायगर्भा ।
28. The figure Apahnuti suggests the following vastu (fact): "You had fixed an
appointment with your lover that you would meet him in the thicket/bower on the river-bank - you went there; not finding him you returned but when you were about to enter the house you knew that he had gone there after you had left; so with a view to going to the river again you have intentionally broken the pitcher under the pretext of striking against the door; - all this I have understood. So take heart, go and fulfil your desires, I justify everything and convince your mother-in-law." The word Passion also occurs in KP S.No. (17.422) above. The commentators give different Sanskrit equivalents of this