Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
54. The moon-beams are heaped up in the sky, the beams that beautify the ten brides
of the sky (dig-vadhu) without resorting to saffron and sandal, the beams that decorate the Earth without bringing in bracelets and ear-tops, the beams that are really the arrows of Madana (the God of Love) without being the ones that bring about privations or the ones that infatuate.
55. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (1301.281) supra.
56. My friend, I do not (at all) know what charming qualities the kunda - bud lias
so that the bees should desire to drink it with their eyes!
57. Since he set his eyes on that most excellent damsel with a lotus-face and lovely
eyes, the moonlight has become excessively hot, the sandal paste feels like poison, the necklace causes irritation like salt, the night breezes burn the body, lotus - fibres prick like a bunch of arrows, and though wet with water, the slender body is, as it were, on fire.
58. It is strange that she should give this feeling of burning although she has hands
and feet like tender sprouts, eyes like blue lotuses, a face like the moon, and a body like a fresh campaka flower!
59. On being separated from you the poor girl has withered (lit. dried up) although
so full of rasa (sap, youthful vigour) (also because she is full of love for you); she has undergone sufferings although her heart has become insensitive (also, because she is innocent in her heart); she has become white (also, pale) though she is red (also, because she is full of love).
60. The Mahendra mountain trembled and the surface of the earth cracked because
of the commotion caused by the Vānaras. Only the pollen of the flowers in the woods of the Malaya (mountain) did not fly up - it was moistened by the ever-cloudy days.
61. For translation vide SPS. No. (314.404) supra.
62. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (174.77) supra.
7. Cf. SK S. No. (50. 350) supra.