Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
251. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा धीरानूढा (नायिका). SK (p. 624) cites
it to illustrate 'प्रागसंगतयो: पूर्वानुराग: स्त्रीप्रकाण्डे.' Bhoja thus comments upon it : अत्रापि प्राग्वदेव सागरिकाया वत्सराजेऽनुराग: प्रकृष्यमाणो मरणं शरणमित्युत्तरयैव कामावस्थया कथ्यते। - सरस्वती, पृ. ६२४.
252. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा अधीरोढा (नायिका). The second half
of this gāthā contains a graphic, realistic and striking 3441 (simile).
253. Bhoja cites this gatha from Lilaval as an example of मध्यमा अधीरानूढा (नायिका).
Further on (p. 772) he cites it as an example of "(उपनायिकासु) ललिता'. The figure of speech is पूर्णोपमा with श्लेष on कर (i. hand ii. rays) and वारीमई (i. स्वेदद्रवाः wet with sweat ii. वारिमयी full of water). वाउल्ली is possibly a misreading for बाउल्ली. DSS (pp. 210-211) records: बहुमुह - बालय - बाउल्ली खल-वणिउत्त-पुत्तियासुं च । (बहुमुहो दुर्जन:, बालओ वणिक्पुत्रः, बाउल्ली पाञ्चालिका ।) पृ. २११. From बाउल्ली, it appears, बाहुली (in Marathi) is derived.
Read in the second half of the gathaवारीमई, and line 8 : Lilavai (No. 423)..
254. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा मुग्धा (नायिका). गणणा (गणना) counting
(with the fingers the two hands and toes of the two feet).
255. Bhoja cites this gatha to illustrate मध्यमा धीरमुग्धा (नायिका). उत्तिण्णिअ = उत्तृणित vith
the grass-roof swept away-the duplication of or is for metre; THE is to be rendered as ugut (dripping or forcing their way) in the chāyā.
256. Bhoja cites this gatha several times; here to illustrate मध्यमा अधीरमुग्धा (नायिका),
on p. 789 to illustrate one of the varieties of अनुराग, called विश्वास, on p. 997 to illustrate सहजानुरागजन्मा सहज : and in SK (p. 622) to illustrate 'प्रेमाभिसंधानं पंसः' बहुवासअ (बहुवासक) is rather difficult. Its exact sense is not clear.
257. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (125.66) supra. Here it is cited
as an example of मध्यमोढा मुग्धा (नायिका).
258. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा अनूढमुग्धा (नायिका).
260. Read in the second half अहर-ठिओ वि होइ. It illustrates मध्यमा धीरा अनूढमुग्धा (नायिका).
SK (p. 630) cites it to illustrate "विप्रलम्भचेष्टासु माने स्त्रिया:'.
262. Read in the first half सिण्णूसलिआहि and in the corresponding chaya