Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
1251. Bhoja cites this skandhaka from Harivijaya as an illustration of labha - viseṣa (a special gain or advantage). The acquisition of 'sura druma' (celestial Pārijāta tree) is such as one could be proud of. He cites it again (p. 1221) to illustrate parijana - pramodaḥ (parijana - attendants, retinue especially of females); pramodaḥ excessive joy, delight). Prof. M. V. Patwardhan's remarks : “तं चिअ ( तदेव ) should be construed with तीऍ घरं Translate as follows: That very residence of hers (i. e., of Satyabhāmā), with the celestial tree planted at its entrance, full of esteemed (valuable) offerings (upacāra) of celestial flowers and with attendants plunged (immersed) (paritta = parita) in joy, was now observed (i. e., now appeared) to be as if different from its former self." (Read annam va for annam ca).
Perhaps uvaāra is to be equated with (or emended into uvahāra (upahāra) decoration, offering or arrangement."
अण्णं च सच्चविज्जई परिओघ परिंत परिअणं तीए घरं ॥ पृ. १०४७.
and दारद्ववि
I am happy to note that Prof. Patwardhan's suggestion about the reading "upahāra" finds support in the printed text of Mysore edn. ----G तं : चिअ कुसुमोपहार o गपिअं ।
रमुमं तं चिअ संगमकुसुमोपआरस्सविअं
अणं वि सचहिज्जइ परिओस परित्तग्घणं तीए घरं ॥ - पृ. १२२१.
शृङ्गारवृद्धिर्यथा - पणअपरिपूरणेणविर अभूसिअपिअअमागमेण • गरुओ । पसरइ लद्धद्धामो अण्णोण्णवसितरेसहि तीए पहरिसो ॥
And p. 1221 : चित्तसंतोषो मन: प्रहर्ष:, यथापण अपरिपूरणेण अविरआसुअपिअआगमेण अ गरुओ । पसरइ लद्धद्धामो अणुण्णरसंतरेहिं तीए पहरिसो ॥ Now read SP S. No. (1252.272).
His other suggestion, too-to read 'annam va' -- is welcome.
1252. Bhoja cites this skandhaka (from Harivijaya) as an illustration of śṛngāra vṛddhiḥ. He cites it again (p. 1221) with the introductory words: citta santoso manaḥ-praharṣaḥ: p. 1047 gives the text of this skandhaka as follows:
1253. This gāthā is adopted from GS (II. 124). ' at the commencement of the gatha is of course 'unwanted'. The second half reads differently: