Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
bunches of the fresh flowers of the kadamba, or other trees like nipa flowering in this season, divide themselves into two rows and parties and stage a fight." - V. Raghavan, ibid. p. 111.
[1506. Read in the last line giving source in Vol. I. “p. 667."] : 1510-1511. Bhoja cites these găthās with the introductory words:
अभिनवबिसाडुरोद्भेद-समये (बिसाकरोद्भेदाभिरामं - सरस्वती, पृ. ६६८) सर: समाश्रित्य कामिमिथुनानां क्रीडा बिशा-(बिस -) खादिका । यथा -.
The Bisakhădikā is the autumn-sport in the lotus-pond in which lovers bathing in lotus-ponds bite at lotus-stalks and offer them by their mouths to each other or one snatches by the mouth the lotus - stalk in the other's mouth. The idea is the imitation of the sports of the swans which now adorn the autumnal lakes full of lotuses."
... V. Raghavan, ibid. p. 114. 1511. वहुण्णी ज्येष्ठ-भार्या (Ds. p. 246). 1512 - 1513. Bhoja cites these two gathas with the introductory words: एतेन
(बिसखादिका-क्रीडावर्णनेन) नात्यूष -० (? अभ्यूषखादिकेक्षुभक्षिका) च व्याख्याता । - शृं. प्र., पृ. ११९४.
In his SK (p. 669) Bhoja cites the first gathā with the introductory words : शमीधान्यः . पान्यानामार्द्राणामेवाग्निपक्वानामभ्यवहारो अभ्यूषखादिका । यथा -.
And, the second, प्रथमत एवेक्षुभक्षणं नवेक्षुभक्षिका । यथा - अभ्यूषखादिका - is the eating of unripe or green corns roasted in fire, something like 'hurada' in Marathi. इक्षुभक्षिका is the eating of fresh sugar cane. [1512. SP reads मअणग्गिणा करो मे दड्ढो, whereas SK (p. 669, v. 316) reads वाअग्गिणा करो मे दड्ढो. The expressions मअणग्गि and वाअग्गि are obscure. It is possible to read पाअग्गि (पाकाग्नि)! Dr. H. C. Bhayani observes: "वाअग्गिणा is possibly पाअग्गिणा = पाकाग्निना and मअणग्गिणा is पयणग्गिणा = पचनाग्निना."]
1514. e SP S. No. (30.48) above. Bhoja cites it here to illustrate Indrotsava. (cf.
शक्रमहो इन्द्रोत्सव: यथा -).