Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
The găthā is corrupt and obscure. The restoration is purely tentative and conjectural ! Read in the chāyā (firsty half) hegofod, and rai (for ) in the second half. On my first draft wherein I had emended pell03h to Talo5131 (Stifta), Prof. M. V. Patwardhan remarked : "HEA| 03137 = S osia is not clear to me. Could it be rich 537 = pig fant ? GEGUTH cursed (d). Could it be 3 vor
MUTTE alitunt? 11 (6 = cefa). Sense not clear, context not clear." The găthā may tentatively be translated as follows: "Desirous of seeing the Festival of Indra, how is it that that man, leaving you alone has gone today by that cursed narrow lane ?"
1516 - 1518. Bhoja cites this gāthā with the introductory words:
31feautufuriara: antydigar: I UPIT -. It is also known as Kaumudījāgara. "This is a festival of the first month of Sarat. As the name shows, it is the spending of the whole night awake in merriment in the moonlight. It falls on the full moon night of the Asvayuja month --- The Jayamangala says swings and gambling are the games indulged in by the people all through this night." V. Raghavan : Bhoja's Śr. Pra. - p. 659. SK (p. 668, v. 314) cites only the first gāthā as an illustration with the
introductory words : 311727 ottofaret astuct / ARIT - . 1517. yuuro a handful of camphor or sandal powder, Rudo beaming with a smile
(उच्छलित expanding or bursting); फसलिहिमि Fut. Ist pers. sing. from फसल to cover, besmear.
1518. Eftwid =
ahya RamTUT)
1519-1520. Bhoja cites this gātha (1519.318) with the introductory words :
autat UERIE: JET - SK (p. 669, v. 315) too cites it with the same introductory words:
“The yakşa-rātri is the Dīpalī festival known also as Dīpāvali. Bhoja calls it also Dīpotsava. Rows of lamps arranged artistically in all parts of the house form the chief characteristic of this festival. The name Dīpāvali is now applied in the South to the celebration in Asvayuk, which is called also