Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
the ridge of the Suvela mountain. The — appears to be as it were climbing up the sky, standing (resting) for a short while on the shoulder (of the moon); entsper37 (
F R A) appears to be used in the sense of Frasi peat; 3R = BAA; Past = Peran." M. V. Patwardhan.
1479. "The crescent of the moon looks beautiful as if it were the tusk (of the
elephant presiding over the eastern quarter of the sky), slender like the bow of Cupid made out of Asoka flowers. I am not able to make out the exact sense of the words विहुमवलयद्ध-णिहार-हिरोग्गआ. Your rendering "and as it were created (341341 = UGCI) farisen) from the half of the coral bracelet or frost or diamonds" appears to be conjectural and tentative. The crescent of the moon can be fancied as made out of a half of a coral bracelet or out of a diamond (ruby). But how can it be fancied as made out of 6R (16R = frost) ? That is the problem. Could we conjecture as follows: विद्यमवलअणिहा सिरोग्गआ अवरा (ण) दाढा सुहआ in quarter 2? Looking like a half of a coral bracelet and protruding (3437) out of the head (RR) (of the elephant presiding over the eastern quarter of the sky). But could this emendation agree with the metre? I cannot say. Please make sure." - M.V. Patwardhan. Prof. Patwardhan's emendation would, however, violate the skandhaka metre. :
1480. "The night (then) displayed the orb of the moon as though it were her face
itself with the filigree design in the form of the deer (i. e., dark patch) drawn on it (i. e., on the lunar orb) (also with the filigree designs of [liquefied) musk painted on it - i.e., on the face), and surrounded by its aura (R49) which looked like the darkness dispersed on all sides by the rays of the moon. The sense of चुण्णइअ (चूर्णितम्) is not clear to me. रस is something liquid, while चूर्ण is something dry (powder). Should we emend चुण्णइअं into णिम्मविअं - णिम्मिअं : ARC = made out of ? GUERHifasi would mean : The moon-face of the night made out of i.e., consisting in, decorated with, oozing fluid moonlight? I agree with you that there is pun on #31 (1) Y and (2) 4 - i.e., LT46." - M. V. Patwardhan. qui 37 is paraphrased as earcar by one of the commentators of Setubandha. So, with this interpretation the word quoi37 wouldn't present any difficulty.