Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
I think we must read कज्जलें पडणेण for कज्जलपडणेण so that कज्जलं becomes the subject corresponding to the predicate (संकलितम्) or कज्जल can be regarded as a deinflected form used instead of कज्जलं---".
Dr. H. C. Bhayani proposed the following restoration: "पत्तिअ ण मेहवंदं सहि सूर-दीवअ-सिहाए उ कज्जलं । + + + पडणेण णह - खप्परम्मि दिअसेहि संकलिअं॥"
but observes "Hier is metrically defective". Ragarding the emendation proposed by me 'सहर' (पडणेण) he welcome it as a good suggestion.
1339. Read in the second half of the chaya नूनमेषु दिवसेष.
1341. लुंबीओ (= स्तबका:) - clusters of leaves and flowers; अंगण० = jasmine creepers
in the front yard of the house; दार० (द्वारार्गला:) obstructions blocking the entrance to the house; पंथ - (पान्थ: -) a wanderer or traveller; पंथ - (पलोअणे) पंथपलोअण (= मार्ग - प्रतीक्षा) would be a better reading. It means “looking at the homeward way of the husband gone on journey” - since it is one of the ways of Pacifuit - विनोदन.
1345. Dr. H. C. Bhayani thus restores the gatha:
"एअंपिए पेसिज्जउ अलाहि ओरमह कि थ लेहेण । लेहणिअ-बोलणोअत्त-हत्थ-गलिअंवल तिस्सा ।। (एतत् प्रियाय प्रेष्यतामलम् उपरमध्वं (?उपरमस्व) किमत्र लेखेन । लेखनिका-निमज्जनापवृत्त-हस्त-गलितं वलयं तस्याः II)"
We may translate this gătha as follows :A letter ? No, stop. Send this instead, her bangle which slipped down her hand, when she dipped her pen in the ink-pot.
1346. Read in the second half : रुद्ध-लोअण (रुद्ध-लोचन) - With eyes shut or closed;
आहार (आधार) a basin round the foot of a tree; पलिअंति = प्रदीपयन्ति inflame.
1348. Read घरिणीऍ (in the second half).
1349. This verse may be translated as follows :
That day on which her husband was to come back home, out of her