Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
992. In the chāyā we may better read factant fa Ara: i Bhoja cites this gātha with
the introductory words : कनिष्ठाश्रयो (मानो) यथा -. SK (p. 589, v. 49) cites it to illustrate "तद् (= ईर्ष्या) रूपेण रसस्य प्रकर्षो यथा -" and thus comments upon it : अत्र कस्याश्चित् प्रेयसि सपत्नी प्रसादयितुं गते तन्मानममृष्यमाणाया: समुत्पन्नेा प्रियानुनयादिभि शायमानतया निष्पन्नालतकतिलकानुमेयैस्तत्पादपतनादिभिरुद्दीप्ता हुंकाराक्षेपभर्त्सनप्रतिभेदाविनाभूतैर्भूभङ्गताडनाङ्गक्षेपवेपथुस्वेदगद्दाभि: संसृज्यमाना प्रकृष्यते ।
993. On p. 839 we have an almost identical stanza :
ण कओ वि र (राअ) मोख्खो (= ण कओ वि राअमोक्खो) माणक्खलणे वि ण पडिओ चिअ बाहो । तीए णवरं पिअअओ गओ त्ति अत्तित (? अत्तित्त) लोअणं णीससि ।। And here we have धरिओ अमरिस-पसरो माणक्खलणे वि ण पडिओ चिअ बाहो । तीए णवरं पिअअमे गहिओ णिअन्तत लोअणं णीससि ।।
Keeping in view the context (धीरोत्तमाया विप्रलम्भेऽनुभावसंपद् (p. 839), and (मानो) धीराश्रयो यथा - पृ. ९८६), it would be more appropriate to emend the second half (p. 986) as : तीए णवरं पिअअमो गओ त्ति अत्तित्त-लोअणं णीससि ।।
(तया केवलं प्रियतमो गत इति अतृप्तलोचनं नि:श्वसितम् ।।) धृत: अमर्षप्रसर: - The operation (manifestation) of anger was checked (or restrained) by her — M. V. Patwardhan. The printed text (p. 228, v. 993) may accordingly be corrected.
Read in the second half अत्तित्तलोअणं and in the chāyā अतृप्तलोचनं 'with eyes which were not satisfied,' 'with her unsatiated eyes. Please correct the translation in accordance with this reading : she looked at him with unsatiated eyes (and heaved a long sigh).
994. The latter part of the second half of this skandhaka, as printed in Mysore edn.
(p. 987) reads : 'जुअइजणम्मि वहत्तणं णिवडिअं'. It needs to be emended as जुअईजणम्मि पहत्तणं णिव्वडिअं ।। (युवतिजने प्रभुत्वं निष्पन्नम् ।). According to this new emendation the text and its chāyā may please be corrected. Bhoja cites this skandhaka as an example of मान: (दृष्टापराधालम्बन:)| I wrote to Prof. Patwardhan that my emendation पहुत्तणं णिव्वडिअं was rather doubtful. He replied : “I agree but it gives a good sense".
995. Bhoja cites this gathaas an example of मान: (अदृष्टार्थालम्बन: = अदृष्टापराधालम्बन:). See