Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
hearted, so pitiless and so distant. At one time you doted on me so much !
1022. This gāthā occurs in GS (II.29). It is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No.
(312.107) supra. Bhoja cites it here as an alternative example of अभिनिवेश.
1024. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of अवज्ञा-विसूरणम्. विसूरण means distress,
1026. This stanza is cited twice by Bhoja. Here he cites it as an example of अनुशय.
'विप्रियस्य पुन: पुन: स्मरणमनुशय:'. On p. 1209 he cites it with the introductory words :व्यलीकानुचिन्तनम(प)राधस्मरणं यथा-.At both the places, the text is corrupt. The text of the skandhaka may be restored as follows: तक्खण-जणिअ-पहरिसं, संभरिअवराह-संगलताणुस । तीए गरुअंणिसंमलग (? णिसम्मइ) ओअत्तं/ ओलिअत्तं (? ओणिअत्तं) पि अमरिसे चिअ हिअआ। (तत्क्षण-जनित-प्रहर्षं संस्मृतापराध-संघटमानानुशयम् । तस्या गुरुकं निषीदति, अपनिवृत्तमपि अमर्ष एव हृदयम्।।) Her heart was gratified for a moment (by the entreaties of her lover) but it became heavy with intense anger at the remembered offence and although turned back (from jealous anger for a moment) sinks down again in jealous anger.
Prof. M. V. Patwardhan thus commented : "संभरिअ+अवराह would become संभरिआवराह. In संभरिअवराह, आ appears to have been shortened into अ metricausa. I think, संगलंत should be emended into संवलंत.
Translation : Her heart delighted at that moment (or time, तक्ख ण = तत्क्षणम् : तस्मिन् क्षणे) but moved (sulkied संवलित) with anger at the recollection of the offence (offered by her cosort), though on the point of retreating (receding) (from anger) heavily (गरुअं - गुरुकम्, adverb) sank back (again) into anger (अमरिसे चिअ णिसम्मइ). णिसम्मइ (= निशाम्यति) is awkward. Could it be णुमज्जइ (or णिमज्जइ)? तीए गरुअंणुमज्जइ (or णिमज्जइ) ओणिअत्तं पि अमरिसे चिअ हिअअं ।" ?
1027. Bhoja cites this skandhaka from Setu as an (alternative) example of अनुशय.
See the Extract from the Sanskrit Commentary in Appendix I. 1028. Bhoja cites this skandhaka as an example of कालुष्यम् - विप्रियोपरागाच्चित्ताशुद्धि :
कालुष्यम् | The stanza may be restored as follows :