Prakrit Verses in San rit Works on Poetics
know the contextual background of the stanza. I do not think that the difficulty can be overcome by taking 'ch as referring to the jealous anger of the nāyikā."
1099. Bhoja cites this skandhaka with the introductory words: "(---ca
Haitgaaradert - A AHERIT:1) --- d up fora Ure -1"
1100. Bhoja cites this skandhaka with the introductory words : " (HRT) THE
PIT —". He cites it again (p. 1210) with the introductory words: "Anfahrudi HTHTRIA JURIT —". Prof. M. V. Patwardhan's remarks : "The restoration and the chāyā are both of them 0. K., except that the verbal form (at the end of the stanza) should be मुज्झंति (मुह्यन्ति) instead of विमुहिजंति (विमुह्यन्ते). Fourth quarter : say: Our homage to our jealous anger. HE (= 48) really represents 44 (genitive singular). But here it seems to be used for 37FETT (genitive plural) Cf. Abhinavagupta's remark on the pronominal form 76 occurring in the stanza : 3771 RU WHvviş --- (Dhvanyāloka I). Abhinava says : we sfa AYICT 31 effe: आवयोः इत्यर्थे न तु मम इति। In our present stanza too महं is used as an अनेकार्थवृत्ति Ayra (i. e., EQUARE AYIT)." The emendation Josifa (EUR) would violate the metre and incidentally it may be noted that both to and faune are recorded in identical sense in the dictionary – to faint away.
1101. Bhoja cites this skandhaka as an example of 'sfer tru.
1102. Bhoja cites this gāthă as an example of data (Efe1) YURT URRIT - The word
317476 (37996) "seems to mean quarrel, love-quarrel, or haughtiness”. - M.V.P.
1105. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of surglaref:
1107. Bhoja cites this gātha with the introductory words : "1984: Brugfara
19-r-gf-TRUTH41FH: | --- Joachfaqut yet --".
1108. Bhoja cites this skandhaka as an example of 34167FH: (foufacu:). He cites it
again (p. 1028) as an example of H YMERT:; and once again (p. 1212) as an example of contus 14410142: Prof. M. V. Patwardhan's comments : HURCAUT = HF-Partit appears to be used here to mean TTS (= humiliation);
t = 7: = interest, enjoyment. The tone of the stanza is one of stinging irony.