Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
1109. Bhoja cites this stanza as an (alternative) example of 34161FF: (fufau:). URT
BEYAT: ART - as soon as they come on the scene (and become a part of women's lives) - MVP.
1110. See ŚP S. No. (1017.232) above. Bhoja cites it here with the introductory words : "
f a rfaut apei —" and again on p. 1028 as an example of सपल्युपहास. 1111. See ŚP S.No.(1008.230) above. Bhoja cites it here as an (alternative) example
of प्रियाश्रितप्रभुत्वविषय:. 1112. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of sakhi pratibodhana — instruction,
admonition, giving advice by a friend.
1113. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of dūti-pratibodhana - instruction,
admonition, giving advice by a female messenger or go-between.
1114. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of sakhi-parihāsa - jesting, joking
(mirth, merriment) by a female friend.
1115. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an alternative example of sakhi-parihāsa. 1116. Bhoja cites this gāthā with the introductory words : "41449hy Heyncent
IT —"
1117. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an alternative example to S. No. 1116 above.
Incidentally we may note ŚP reads the earlier part of the second half of the gāthā as tat fa 37 or forrest (1789 7 7 fra:).
1118. Note: Read ug 9T737 EP. Bhoja cites this gātha as an example of dūti-upadeśa
(instruction, admonition , giving advice by a female messenger or go-between). 47731 (= d) (Voc. sing.) O, daughter, young girl.
1119. Bhoja cites this gāthă as an alternative example to S. No. 1118.
1120. Bhoja cites this gāthā with the introductory words : "trufa det prenelatent
1121. See ŚP S. No. (325.110) above. Bhoja cites it here as an alternative example