Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
statement 37 HHHHR ---- ItsThat PoreHTCHTOH-TOKKIGY: --- (SK p. 727) wherein he unerringly points out to the अनुभाव of प्रहर्ष viz. मुखप्रसाद, Prof. M. V. Patwardhan remarks : "The phrase 375x44731 should be rendered as not far away from conciliation (or appeasement)", "on the point of being
appeased”, instead of “fit to be appeased very soon.” 1223. See ŚP S. No. (265.98) above. Bhoja cites it here as an example of gayrien:
[? TRYİRT:- escaping, falling from loss of (māna - jealous anger)). Incidentally, it may noted that the Gaüdavaho text reads the second half as :
पाणोसरंतमइरं व फलिअचसअं इमा वअणं ।। whereas the SP reads : पाणोसरंतमइरं व फलिअचसअं मुहं बाला || and the SK (p. 627, v. 189) QUIRGHz a 13TURT31 a forzi ICT 11
1224. See SP S. No. (252.95) above. Bhoja cites it here as an example of one of
the mānopaśāntis, called 396 — falling down (or loss of) măna - pride or jealous anger.
1225. This skandhaka from Harivijaya is presented here in its corrupt form. Bhoja
cites it to illustrate one of the mānopaśāntis, called calana (? moving or motion). Satyabhāmā was very anxious about Krsna's safe return from his invasion of Indra-loka. When his arrival is announced to her by her retinue (of females), she is overjoyed. Her tears of joy block her vision and she is unable to see her dear beloved (husband), (and she is as it were pinned down
to the place where she was standing). 1226. Bhoja cites this skandhaka as an example of one the mānopaśāntis, called
skhalana (stumbling, tottering); he cites it again (p. 1210) with the introductory words: "ARER ARRAIA AHARIAI | URIT -". AMafia thus means heaving (long) sighs by the nāyikā when she feels humiliated by her lover). He once again cites it to illustrate प्रियोपरोध ip. 1213) - [प्रिय + (उपरोध quarrel, disunion)] quarrel with one's lover.
Incidentally, it may be noted that V. Raghavan's list of mānopaśāntis (p.
56) does not mention चलनम् as one of the मानोपशान्तिs. 1227. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of one of the mānopaśāntis, called faus-4
- striking asunder, forcing apart, smashing Read Ratnadeva's commentary on Vajjālagga (Prof. M. V. Patwardhan's edn.,