Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
Could be read fafuri for faussi ? fforzi (= fa-in) would be an adverb in its own right and would directly give the required sense: 'courteously'; under the existing reading we arrive at the required sense indirectly (through laksaņā). Cf. English : you talk reason = you talk reasonably. Weber's reading Ot Fint faço does not make any sense, I think." - M. V. Patwardhan. For translation, vide SP S. (333.43) súpra.
Before we proceed further it is necessary to note the precise meaning of the terms विषय, आश्रय and आलम्बन, used in the context of मान by Bhoja.V. Raghavan thus explains them: “Vişaya is the person regarding whom feeling arises; Aśraya is a person in whom the feeling arises, Alambana is that aspect of Visaya which is exactly the object of the feeling.” Bhoja's Sîngāra Prakāśa (1963 edn.)
986. SK (p. 626, v. 185) cites this gāthā with the introductory words: (256741514
---) "अत्रैव स्त्रियां मानो यथा-". It reads पढमघरिणीअ for उवहारिआए and दरं (? दवं) for कह. Bhuvanpala reads दवं for कह. In his comments on the gatha he says : उवहारी दोहनधारिणी (? दोहनकारिणी) प्रथमवधूरित्येका (? प्रथमवधूरित्येके) पिंडारो गोपालक:। दवो नर्म । şffadel: HICET: Bhoja introduces the găthā with the words : (977:) Asifat YT-1
987. Bhoja cites this skandhaka from Setu with the introductory words : (HFT:)
anufacut UIT — See translation.
988. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (271.99) supra Bhoja cites
it here with the introductory words: (H) caufatu —. See translation.
989. Read : GS(W) 898. Bhoja cites this gātha with the introductory words: (1971)
E-faut rent - E = a shameless husband (or hero).
990. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of (H17:) STIHTS: SK (p. 688, v. 39) cites
it as an example of " R-HIFT alatai (Fium) 2P21-". 991. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚPS. No. (332.111) supra Bhoja cites
this gāthā as an example of (HT:) HEXHT824: SK (p. 671, v. 325; p. 685, v. 380) cites this gātha He introduces this gāthā (p. 685) with the words "1611474-HHAT EIRT URIT —".