Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
the destruction of the woods of reed around, Whose hand has now cut you down?
868. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of Sar: (3773ft: = a blessing, benediction).
Now, see translation.
869. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an alternaive example of NSCRft: (conferring or
bestowing a blessing on the love-tryst or rendezvous). I had referred this gåtha to Prof. M. V. Patwardhan. He wrote to say: "The sense of the second quarter is obscure to me. In the second half quufo is to be equated with peo (locative plural) or Flut: (instrumental plural). Does feel mean 'I shall burn (myself) (to death) (in the midst of, or with, the stumps of the bower of your bank, o river Tapi ?' But why should the woman burn herself to death, if she has enjoyed herself to her heart's content? The answer to this question lies in the obscure second quarter : "O 37 37 375 variet". It possibly means : that day no young man chose her as his partner for enjoying the delights of love; and that is why she was fed up with life and was overpowered by thoughts of ending her life !
Dr. H. C. Bhayani restores this verse as follows :"जह इच्छा तह रमिअं, ण अ गहिओ अज्ज जूव-संगहणे । तुह तावि (? वी)-तीर-कुडुंग खण्णुएहिं पि डज्झिस्सं ।। (यथा इच्छा तथा रमितं न च गृहीत: अद्य यूप-संग्रहणे । da anet-R-Rigs R eft gezi 11)" We may translate it as follows:
0, dear Grove on the bank of the River Tapi, we had had our pleasures here to our heart's content, but today you are not being selected for the holy office of a 44 (a sacrificial post) ! I, (however), would be too happy to be burnt with the stumps of your trees !
870. Bhoja cites this gātha as an example of $9-991. (sr: a question, a query).
The banks of the river Godā are full of woods drenched in the first showers of the season, always fragrant and rich in the honey of flowers. How shall we not, O Godā, salute / pay homage to them? So here we have a case of