Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
it here to illustrate the variety, called aga.
655. Bhoja cites this gāthā to illustrate the variety, called Igreziara. ICTEZ — dexterity,
intelligence, acuteness, cunning (in).
656. Bhoja cites this gātha to illustrate the variety, called hrun. dolarafat) -
a harlot; r3i (HRT-ra-son146e1f0T)- quenching the thirst of all their customers for impetuous carnal enjoyment; 95 "TO (= falim137 0644|) - which create (give rise to) many amorous acts, such as kissing, embracing, biting, scratching and the like.
657. Bhoja speaks of twenty-four varieties of fasteiger: (ifaqat: Pokeilemat: yugat:, etc.).
He cites this gātha to illustrate the variety, called 'fo241967:' : 658. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (230.91) supra. Bhoja cites ·
it here to illustrate the variety, called quo. SK (p. 687, v. 389) cites it with
the introductory words : TGHHGSGITT URRIT 659. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (123.66) supra. Bhoja cites.
it here to illustrate the variety, called food. SK (p: 314, v. 3) and (p. 664, v. 300) cite it to illustrate 'at' and 'atacar : Rit :' respectively.
660. Bhoja cites this gathā to illustrate the variety, called WERUT. SK (p. 670, v.
319) cites it with the introductory words : Ticaifaceta de 1 PT - Dr. A. M. Ghatage observes : I would suggest faciles = façarpfat like ufafes and fourts, their subjects being भोइअ, नट and जनपद (people). These things will go on smoothly except that the faceat will not go to the show to destroy their arrangement by distracting them all.
661. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (530.150) supra. Bhoja cites
it here to illustrate the variety, called 3FHTERUT. SK (p. 615, v. 140) cites it with the introductory words : 34Thidy P T PT - 31941 means "consequent. It is a technical term drawn from Nātya-śāstra. Vibhāva (ālambana-and uddipana-) and vyabhicări-bhāva are the other two technical terms occuring in Bharata's famous rasa-sutra : विभावानुभावव्यभिचारिसंयोगाद् रसनिष्पत्ति:।
662. Bhoja cites this gāthā to illustrate the variety, called ASRAF.