Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
context as an example of 'Trasto Baranyi Erèguffa:' The precise meaning of the term 34914 and how the present găthă serves as its illustration is not clear.
848. Dr. H. C. Bhayani would like to restore this gāthā as follows :
"3177-319U-qca quin E fA3 3 31 1 जह सा ण ठाइ हेठे हु तस्स वि चूअविडवस्स ।। [अनुगमन-पूर्वं वने तथा दुःखिता तु आशाभि : । यथा सा न तिष्ठति अधस्तात् खलु तस्यापि चूत-विटपस्य ॥] If for 3tosqu we can think of a Prakrit word meaning abhigamana (ahivaccana ?), then we can take the purport to be this possibly : She was disappointed in her rendezvous under the mango tree several times and so she avoids to stand under any mango tree --" It is possible to read हआसाहिं (Sk. हताशाभि:) for the proposed उ आसाहिं in the first half. Actually we find this very expression used in the first illustration (S. No. 847). We may freely translate the gathā as follows: She, although desparate, doesn't like to stand under that mango tree in the forest she would much rather avoid it - since she was failed many times before by the mango trees in her trysts!
849. Bhoja cites this gātnā as an example of HT-RAHT (URGI prayer, request,
entreaty) A wonton woman prays to the Madhūka tree to shed its leaves and flowers slowly : --- TH: sfa af 3790i Tyr- match forfat 3fazor sa FH
1961-THIRUTHET HT feruet:1 — 497411, q. 49, T. 999., 850. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (708.180) 'supra. Bhoja cites
it here as an example of सङ्केत-बहुमान (बहुमान = highesteem, great respect or regard for). A wonton woman kisses, as if it is her lover's cheek, the yellowing leaf blown towards her by the wind from the banyan tree which had served for long as their love-tryst.
851. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an alternative example of 150-E TT. The banyan tree
has as it were interned the dark half of the month and provided rendezvous to lovers. Naturally these lovers have great regard for this banyan-tree.
852. Dr. H. C. Bhayani would like to restore the gātha as follows :
"तं बंधवं ग पिव पणस्समाणं णिअच्छए असई ।