Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
Populta tahigaritat as the chāyā of foro.
793. Read in the first half of the gāthā 331Evila and in the corresponding chāyā
उपभज्यन्ते; and in the second half खादितोगलितानि क्रियन्ते. Dr. H. C. Bhayani would like us to read "GEMAŠ (after yearfecilfo)-sour belches. Ce sour, acid; Guj. UTG, H. UET" M. V. Patwardhan wrote to say : "I think the word uisfiurš in Joglekar edn. v. 668 and v. 717 means of stuff "eaten first and then regurgitated" and refers to rumination (chewing the cud) -- a habit in the case of quadrupeds, also called that in Sanskrit, corresponding to pder in Marathi. Thus Ursuriš trifat would mean “are ruminated", "are recollected", "are enjoyed in recollection, in a nostalgic manner". Dr. A. M. Ghatage comments upon the word as follows : "GS VII. 68 arsfulls is really arstituif and means vomitting what has been eaten. Jogalekar's reluctance to admit this and to give a different interpretation is not justified. This expression is used to refer to something unpleasant and hence what is meant is that pleasures enjoyed in the company of the lover become unpleasant in his absence. The corresponding expression aid is found in arra golf 37191TH on which you refer to Alsdorf's article in Indian Linguistics 1955 which will make clear what is the intended meaning." In view of the truth embodied in Kalidasa's memorable line "OTHIA guruf custoa vifaruARIA Termal" (RYO XIV. 25.b). One might be justified in saying that if sorrows experienced in the past, when remembered or recollected or ruminated, turn into pleasures, then it's no wonder if pleasures experienced in the past, when ruminated, become all the more enjoyable and pleasurable.
794. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide SP S. No. (381.121) supra. SK (p. 644,
v. 257) cites this gāthā to illustrate the phenomenon that both the young man and woman do not fall in love with each other simultaneously, but on finding that one has fallen in love, the other falls in love. (origeri çoçar qurg facient
Puud 1) 795. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (372.119) supra. SK (p. 645,
v. 258) too cites this gāthā with the introductory words : "attagliat IT —" and comments upon it thus : 375 gadi Alquefta puydt af ? 344विषयिणाभिलाषेणापीति प्रतीयते ।