Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
"संभोग-चेष्टासु पूर्वानुरागानन्तरे चुम्बनं यथा -". पणामिअ (अर्पित). So read in the Chaya : आदरार्पितौष्ठ; वण्णग्घअ (वर्णघृत) ghee coloured with yellow turmeric powder and applied to the face by women as an indication of their being in the menses. According to a commentator, it is a regional custom; लिप्प (लिप्त) (and तुप्प too means the same)- anointed.
502. This gathā is already dealt with; vide SP S. No. (359.117) supra. Bhoja cites
it here to illustrate 'उन्नतपूर्णम्' one of the six कपोलारम्भ. (Cf. Bharata, NS VIII, 136-140). It would seem that Bhoja reads 'उन्नत्तपूर्णम् in place of Bharata's 'घूर्णम्'. SK(p. 634, v. 218) cites this gathāwith the introductory remark : “प्रथमानुरागानन्तरे दन्तक्षतं यथा -".
504. Bhoja cites this skandhaka(Setul. 7) with the introductory remark : "हासप्रकर्षोऽति
हसितं यथा -". Vide Extract from Sanskrit Commentary in Appendix - I.
505. Read in the first half of the gathā daig and in the second half Ri Bhoja cites
this gatha with the introductory remark : "अभिहतं वितालितं यथा -". वितालित is one of the nine aksiputakarmas. SK (p. 576, v. 12) cites this gatha with the introductory remark : "(रतिरूपेण) तिर्यक्षु (रसाभासो) यथा -". तंबा (d) a (tawny-coloured young) cow; गोट्ठ (गोष्ठ) a cow-pen or cattle-shed; दुट्ठ (दुष्ट-वृषभ) a vicious bull; अक्खि (अक्षिपुटम्) eye-lid or socket of the eye. Cf. 'शृङ्गे कृष्ण गस्य वामनयनं कण्डूयमानां मृगीम् - शाकुन्तल VI, 17-d.
506. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (216.86), and (266.98). SK
(p. 594, v. 63) cites it with the introductory remark "तद्-(निद्रा-) रूपेण रसस्यानुबन्धो यथा -" and thus comments upon the gatha : अत्र रतिश्रमजागरादिजनितनिद्रालसा दृष्टिनिपातास्तारकाघूर्णनत्र्यस्रवलनादिभिरनुबध्यन्ते । - पृ. ५९४. Bhoja cites it here with the introductory remark : "पक्ष्मान्तर्गतत्र्यसतारं साचि यथा -" साचि (ind. obliquely, in a sidelong manner) is one of the eight अवलोकन-प्रकार.
507. Bhoja cites this skandhaka from Setu with the introductory remark :
"प्रोवृत्त-निष्टब्ध-पुटा स्फुरदुवृत्ततारकाऽत्यर्थभीता भयानका यथा -". 'भयानका' is one of the 36 drstis mentioned and first treated of in NSVIII 41-45. Vide Extract from Sanskrit Commentary in Appendix I.
508. Bhoja cites this skandhakafrom Setuwith the introductory remark : “दीप्ता विकसिता