Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
In his Notes (p. 234) he explains : कस्स न सद्धा (=स्पृहा) who (i.e. which woman) does not have a craving (or keen desire) ? ----
गरुयत्तणस्स = गुरुत्वस्य = गुरुत्वे = for greatness; पइणोपसायमइयस्स = पइणो पसायमइम्मि (gen. abs. used in the sense of loc. abs.) = when her husband begins to conciliate
her (in an apologetic manner); पसाय = पसायण = conciliation. 613. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (152.72) supra. Bhoja cites
it as an example of one of the varieties of नैमित्तिकानुराग:, called वासन्तिक:. SK (p. 384, v. 156) cites this gatha as an example of one of the varieties of the figure अनुमानं (शेषवत्).
614. Bhoja cites this. gatha as an example of one of the varieties of नैमित्तिकानुराग:,
called वार्षिक: (= वर्षा-निमित्त:). SK cites it to illustrate मूर्छा, one of the twelve prema-pustis. कलंब-गंधेण-मुच्छिआ - made unconscious (i.e., fainted) because of the (exciting) fragrance of Kadamba flowers; तं गुणे पडिअं (तद् गुणे पतितम्) - that was all to the good (i.e., was very good or fortunate)--.; वोलंतो is pres. act. part. used in the sense of the conditional mood." - M. V. Patwardhan (GK
p. 208). 615. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of one of the varieties of नैमित्तिकानुराग:
(प्रावासिक:) (प्रवासारम्भनिमित्त: प्रावासिक:); The young wife begs night to stay for ever, since the morn is to see her beloved's departure.'
616. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of one of the varieties of नैमित्तिकानुराग:
(समयनिमित्त: प्रात्यागामिक:). SK (p. 591, v. 54) cites it as an example of one of the thirty-three vyabhicāri-bhāvas, called शङ्का (apprehension or anxiety). SK introduces the gatha with the remark "तद्रूपेण (शङ्कारूपेण) रसस्य प्रकर्षो यथा-" and after citing it, it thus comments upon it : अत्र विरहिण्या: काातिशयम उद्वीक्षमाणाया: कस्याश्चिद् वयस्याया: स्नेहातिशयात् 'प्रेम पश्यति भयान्यपदेऽपी ति प्रियागमहर्षातिशयभावेऽप्यसहिष्णुतया तन्मरणशङ्का प्रकृष्यते ।
617. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of one of the varieties of नैमित्तिकानुराग: (समय:
प्रथमसङ्गमः / प्राथमसङ्गमिक:). See the translation.
618. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of one of the varieties of नैमित्तिकानुराग: (वेला :
प्रदोष / प्रादोषिक:) See the translation.