Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
282. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठोढा (नायिका).
A young woman abed with her husband / lover needs no other ornamentation besides hair roughly tousled by his hands and the mouth fragrant with wine.
283. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of कनिष्ठानूढा (नायिका).
284. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा धीरोढा (नायिका). मण्णु (मन्यु) - anger
(or grief); तोग्गअमणा (त्वद्गतमना:) - whose mind is fixed on you.
285. Bhoja cites this gatha from Tarayana (taragana) of Bappabhatti as an example
of कनिष्ठा धीरानूढा (नायिका). Taragana (p. 45, v. no. 90) reads in the first half of the gathā तुह दंसण-सउण (Sk. तव दर्शन-शकुन) for वर-सउण-ग्गहण ; and in the second half भग्ग -मरण-ग्गहं से (Sk. भग्नमरण-ग्रह) for भग्गमरण-ग्गहाए. SP (p. 325) text - भंग (? भग्ग) मरणग्गहं से is in agreement with that of Taragana. Read कण्डकं in the chāya The following extract from the anonymous Sanskrit commentary on Tārāgana makes the idea-very peculiar though it is quite clear : यदा यदा त्वदर्शनाय शकुनो भवति तदा तदोत्तरीये सा शकुन-ग्रन्थिं बध्नाति । तेनैवमुच्यते । तव दर्शनार्थं शकुनग्रन्थिबन्धा: तै: त्वद्दर्शनशकुनग्रन्थिबन्धैः। 'ओड्ढणअं' उत्तरीयं तथा तस्या: पूरितं भृतं यथा रक्षाकण्डकं जातम् । कीदृशम्। 'भग्न-मरण-ग्गह', एकत्र मरणग्रहो मरणाभिनिवेश: । अन्यत्र मरणाय ग्रह: पिशाच: स भनो येन तत् तथाविधं रक्षाकण्डकं यथा तस्या: संजातं तथोत्तरीयं तव दर्शनशकुनग्रन्थिबन्धैः पूरितमिति । - पृ. ४५.
286. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा (अ) धीरोढा (नायिका). णिव्वुत्त-रआ वि
(the young innocent wife) even when the climax of sexual enjoyment was reached.
287. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा अधीरमुग्धा (नायिका). This gatha is
cited in DR (p. 104) and in SK (P. 640, v. no. 243). DR cites it in the context of प्रवास-विप्रयोग (भविष्यत्-यास्यत्-प्रवास:). SK cites it with the introductory remark "सामान्यत एव प्रवास-साध्वसेन स्त्रिया यथा -".
288. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा ऊढमुग्धा (नायिका). मुद्धवहू - the
simple-minded, inexperienced young wife; णहरवअं / णक्खवअं (नखरपदं/नखपदं) nail-mark.
289. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा अनूढमुग्धा (नायिका). SK (p. 626) cites
it with the introductory words “(विप्रलम्भपरीष्टिषु प्रेमपरीक्षा) श्लाघया यथा-".
291. Read in the first half of the gatha 'ख' and in the chāya - दुहित्रा and कस्य,