Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
140. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of the third variety of Anyonyam, called
Ubhayātmakam (- Pratīyamānābhidhīyamānam). His comments on this gāthā run as follows : अत्र गोदावरीविषमावतारव्याजेन तया तस्योरसि आत्मा क्षिप्तस्तेनाप्यनुकम्पानिर्दोषा सा गाढमुपगूढेत्यभिधीयमान: परस्परमनुरागादुपकार्योपकारकभाव: प्रतीयत इत्युभयात्मकमिदमन्योन्यम् । सरस्वती, पृ. ३४७.
141. Bhoja cites this gathaas an example of Parivrttih (the variety being Vyatyayavati.
Amukhyā) aruar Rapat occurs when a thing occupying one place is described as transferred to another place. In this example the red dye of her lower lip which overnight was rubbed away by her husband was seen the next morning on the faces of her rivals/co-wives. :- अत्र प्रियतमेन रात्रावुद्वासितस्याधररागस्येयं सपत्नीलोचनेषु संक्रान्ति: । सरस्वती, पृ. ३४९.
142. This skandhaka is cited as an example of the figure Mīlita (when something
is concealed by another possessing a similar characteristic, there is the figure Milita). Bhoja speaks of its two varieties. The first variety “अभिधीयमानगुणेन वस्तुना मीलितम्" is illustrated by this example : अत्र मज्जनताम्रयोर्लोचनयोर्मदरागो मदताम्रयो: कोपानुराग: साक्षादभिधीयमानेनैव गुणेन तिरस्क्रियमाणो निदर्शित इत्यभिधीयमानगुणेन वस्तुनैतन्मीलितम् । -सरस्वती', पृ. ३७२.
The two expressions 'tamra' and 'pallavarunaraga' directly express the guna i.e., redness. Eyes become red on account of bathing; eyes become red through intoxication and eyes become red through anger. सचविओ = दृष्टः । गोसे प्रात: ।
143. The first half of this gāthā as printed in Mysore edn. (and in SK) needs to
be corrected as follows:
पिअदंसणेण सुहरसमुउलिअ (?पिअदंसणसुहरस-मउलिआइँ) जइ से ण होंति णअणांइ । It may be noted that the commentator रत्नेश्वर too had the reading पिअदंसणेण. With this reading मुउलिअ (?मउलिअ) will have to be understood as standing for मउलिआईं. Bhoja cites this gătha to illustrate the second variety of Milita (Pratīyamānagunena). Bhoja's comments on this gatha run as follows : अत्र प्रियदर्शनसुखेन मुकुलितयोरेव लोचनयोस्तस्याः कर्णकुवलयं लक्ष्यते न त्वमुकुलितयोरिति वस्तुना वस्त्वन्तरतिरस्कार: प्रतीयमानगुणतयोपपादित इति प्रतीयमानगुणेन वस्तुना मीलितमिदम् । - सरस्वती, पृ. ३७३.
144. पअडिअ (प्रकटित) - shown; सब्भाव (सद्भाव) good disposition; विन्भम (= विभ्रम) graceful
or playful movements of the eye-brows, eyes and lips; संवरण concealment; वावड