Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics wound' and secondarily meaning 'adding insult to injury'. But this idea 'च्छहिहिसि गोत्तस्स मत्थए छारं' (Sk. गोत्रस्य मस्तके क्षारं क्षेप्स्यसि ।) is really uncommon. In Marathi we have the plrase 'saya pra qut' but that conveys an altogether different idea; so also we have in Marathi the phrase "atsid nooreet rut'. which means 'damaging, besmirching the fair name of a family'.
Bhoja paraphrases the second quarter of the gātha by ma qura; if : वक्रोल्लापिनी, वक्रोल्लापनशीला (one who is given to speaking obliquely - suggestively - indirectly).
Bhoja's comments on this găthā run as follows:
अत्रैवंप्रकारया वक्रोक्त्या एवंविधेन हसितेनोपलक्षितत्वमग्रतो गोत्रं दूषयसीति कारणतो यत्र कार्यानुमानं तदिदं सामग्रीपक्षे पूर्ववदित्युच्यते ।
154. This skandhaka is already dealth with; vide DHV S. No. (* 7.7) supra. Bhoja
cites this skandhaka as an example of Abhāva (proof from non-existence, negative proof), one of the 24 pure Arthālamkāras; SK (p. 395, v. no. 177) more specifically, of Prāgabhāva. It is interesting to find that the definitions and classifications of Alamkāras derived from Sastras, the six Pramāņas, and Smrti etc. are all in Sāstric terminology." (V. Raghavan: Bhoja's Srrigāra Prakāśa, p. 387).
155. Bhoja cites this gātha as an example of Antarbhūta-sāmānya Samāsopamā. 46
(मुखरस) the sweetness of nectar of the mouth (or nether lip); कअग्गह seizure of the braided hair - aug 05979TRTUGUT UT RH 3RTA vecuvaci si - TMG (q. 809).
156. Bhoja cites this gātha as an example of Antarbhūtobhayārtha Samāsopamā.
157. Bhoja cites this skandhaka from Setu as an example of Mālopamā (Garland
Comparison); vide Extract from Sanskrit Commentary in Appendix I.
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158. Bhoja cités this skandhaka as an example of one of the varieties of
Sāvayava-rūpaka, called Sahajāvayava (Rūpaka). Regarding fareg Hemacandra