. 350
Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
Ubhayālamkāras (1. Upamā 2. Sāmyam 3. Melitam and 4. Samuccaya) are mutually connected and inseparably mixed together giving rise to the figure JHUIİHR-VIR. Read : 37 YIGHT TORTOR-DIRTYYHT, Parfsuitहृदयदाहोद्यानद्योतनार्थक्रियाभ्यां साम्यं, कज्जलपटलानामिव भ्रमरपटलानामुपरि मेलनान्मेलितं, चम्पकदीपककलिकयोरिव भ्रमरकज्जलपटलयोरौपम्यादिसंबन्धात् समुचय इत्युभयालंकाराश्चत्वारो मिथः (=परस्परं) (संकीर्यमाणा उपलभ्यन्ते । अथवा) संकीर्यन्ते । शृङ्गारप्रकाश, पृ. ४५२, सरस्वतीकण्ठाभरण, पृ. ७११.
194. Bhoja cites this stanza as an example of one of the varieties of Rasālamkāra
samkara, called Arthālamkāra-pradhāna. After citing the stanza he remarks : अत्र रतिरसाभासमनुभूय (?मभिभूय) हेतुरर्थालंकारप्राधान्येन प्रतीयते । - V. प्र., पृ. ४५८.
Bhoja cites this very stanza in SK (p.576) as an example of Ratirūpena nāyaka-pratiyogişu rasābhāsaḥ.
Regarding the text of this stanza Handiqui's (pp.112-113) discussion deserves to be reproduced in full : "The last verse in Goldschmidt's Anhang, cited in an imperfect form his Msc, is variously read, and has not found general acceptance. It is not explained by the South Indian commentators, nor by Kulanātha and Rāmadāsa. It is, however, included in SC 15.66' with the remark that it is omitted by Sāhasānka and Kulanātha, leading one to suppose that it was probably explained by Lokanātha and Srīnivāsa, the two other commentators quoted by name in SC. The verse is also cited in a mutilated form in Bhoja's Sarasvatikanthabharaṇa 5.13 (NS ed.) and Narendraprabha's Alankāramahodadhi (p. 97,GOS) as an example of rasābhāsa But not a few commentators from different parts of India seem to have rejected it because of the unpleasant idea involving Sītā in the description."
195. Please read in the first half of this gātha 24737 (? for3t), and in the chāyā ir
Bhoja cites this gathā as an example of Ubhayālamkārapradhāna, one of the
1 पुलअंजणेति दसकंधरस्स राहवसरा सरीर-अडंता । जणअतणआपओहरफंसमहग्घविअ करजुअलणिव्बूढा ||
Note : Instead of reproducing the mutilated text as given in SP and SK we have given the above text. Please read 7 for ai (p. 82).