Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
तणुइओ (तनुकित:) - ppp. from denom. of तणुअ (तनुक) lean, emaciated; अलिहिअ (अलिखित) unscraped, दुप्परिअल्ल (दुष्परिकर्ष) difficult to wield or stretch.
227. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of one of the types of nāyikā, kanistha
(a younger wife, one married late than another).
SH & fuet (CH: U fecu:) 4 who or which of many; sometimes used as a strengthened substitute of किम्. (= कतिपये खलु दिवसा: - since several days) उम्मइआ - BAHTIT maddened or intoxicated with the consciousness of her beauty and youth (= youthful charm); रुप (तक्षण). Hemacandra gives रंप as a धात्वादेश for तक्ष. $9 seems to be connected with meaning parings or thin pieces (of the bow). The more and more the hunter becomes attached to his wife and enjoys more and more frequently dalliance with her he grows physically weaker and weaker and unable to wield or stretch his bow. To make it lighter he has therefore to pare it off. These parings the hunter's wife proudly throws on the streets as if to proclaim her saubhāgya (good fortune or fortunateness - chiefly consisting in a man's and woman's securing the favour and firm devotion of each other).
228. This gāthā is cited to illustrate one of the types of nāyikā known as adhīrā
(timid); DR (p. 45), however, defines 3TETRT in the following diatas
धीरा सोत्प्रास-वक्रोक्त्या मध्या साश्रु कृतागसम् । खेदयेद् दयितं कोपादधीरा परुषाक्षरम् ।।
The present gāthā does not agree with this definition of 3TERT;
Trifa (readf) breathe heavily, give out sighs—but as the subject of the verb is 3fi5, it would be more correct to equate it with your fri.e., (my limbs) are dried up. The figure of speech contained in this gathā is rah140h.
229. Bhoja cites this gātha as an example of one of the types of näyikā (heroine),
called HEZIT. DR (p. 44, II. 16) defines HEZIT as follows: FEZITELESHŞI मोहान्तसुरतक्षमा ।
C hat Até RAUTT FEZT - Avaloka;
537716° (
Tue - SPATEAT) - 'neatly done and decorated hair roughly tousled'.
230. Bhoja cites this gātha as an example of one of the types of nāyikā (heroine),