Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
(Sk. दीर्घम्) long; 'सुपरिणाहं = अतिस्थूलम् = very big or bulky. Jagaddhara remarks : “अत्र मेद्राभिप्रायेण मुसलोक्तेरन्यभावना "|| सरस्वती, पृ. ५४९.
Incidentally, it may be noted that the Sanskrit आलंकारिक hold the view : अश्लीलं क्वचिद्गुणः । यथा सुरतारम्भगोष्ठ्याम् "द्वयर्थैः पदै: पिशुनयेच रहस्यवस्तु" - इति कामशास्त्रस्थितौ - काव्यप्रकाश, पृ. ४२०. The SP (p. 1198) quotes the full text : सङ्गीतमत्र कलयेन्मृदु-काकलीभि: गाथा: पठेच मसृणं मदनाग्रदूती: । द्वयर्थ: पदै: पिशुनयेच रहस्यवस्तु हृद्यं हसेच दशनांशुभिरुल्लसद्भिः ॥
190. The view (set forth in NS) that the comic sentiment arises from the erotic is
erroneous, for the comic sentiment is not seen to arise even from the erotic. In support of this-his own view-Bhoja cites the gathā under consideration : "When she imagined that she was with her lover and picked up a quarrel for some old offence or the other, her friends pitied her and wept. They didn't make fun of her."
Bhoja cites this gatha in his SK (p. 584) to illustrate the point 'तद्रूपेण (चिन्तारूपेण) रसस्य प्रकर्ष:'. After citing the gatha he thus comments : अत्र सखीरोदनेन शून्यकलह शून्यकलहेन साक्षात्कार:, साक्षात्कारेण चिन्ता, चिन्तया तु मूलभूता रति: प्रकृष्यते । - सरस्वती, पृ. ५८४.
191. त्ति भणिए (इति भणिते) When asked 'who are you thinking of ?'; को मे अत्थि (को मेऽस्ति)
- Who is there to think of as mine ? उव्विग्ग - उद्विग्नरोदनशीलया 'She was obviously
distressed over you, your indifference towards her -- and burst into tears; 3779 . . वि रुआविआ we too were made to weep.
192. Bhoja introduces this gatha with the remark : सजातीयानां शब्दगुणेषु समाध्यादीनां
(संकरव्यवहार:) यथा- After citing the gatha he thus comments' upon it : अत्रान्यधर्माणामन्यत्रारोपणं समाधिः, पृथक्पदता माधुर्यं, बन्धविकटत्वमुदारता, ध्वनिमत्ता गाम्भीर्यमिति सजातीया: संकीर्यन्ते । यतो वसन्तलक्ष्मीरशोकस्येति पदयो: शब्दध्वनिरपि परिस्फुरति । यथा कस्यचिदशोकस्य कामिनोऽङ्गेषु प्रियाङ्गना सविलासं चेष्टते तथास्येयमिति । - प्र. ४४८. Bhoja in his SK (pp. 706 etc.) deals with this topic. Incidentally it may be noted that SK (p. 707) reads मानिनोऽङ्गेषु in place of SPs कामिनोऽङ्गेषु.
Read Samputa (S. No. 192, line 7).
193. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of the figure Ubhayālamkāra-sankara. After
citing the gātha, Bhoja in his comments points out how four different