Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
अन्यधर्माणामन्यत्रारोपणं समाधिः । Samadhi is superimposition of the attributes or properties of one thing upon another. SK(p. 679) cites this stanza as an example of Ubhayābhāsa (ubhaya standing for both nayaka and nāyikā).
171. Bhoja cites this skandhaka to illustrate his point that the alleged figure Melita
is nothing but the figure Samadhi.
Read Jagaddhara. : इह दिनमङ्गमिव पतति, रक्त : सूर्य : कण्ठच्छेद इव भवति, रक्तमिव सन्ध्या गलति, तिमिरं केशश्यामं शिर इव घूर्णते इतस्ततो याति । अत्र पतनादिक्रिया:, लौहित्यादयो गुणा:, प्रधानक्रिया: पततीत्यादिकाः, तदध्यारोपो दिवसादिषु इति समाध्युक्ति: --- " सरस्वती, पृ. ४२७.
172. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚPS. No. (32.48) supra. Bhoja cites it
here again to illustrate his point "मेलितमपि समाधिरेव ।
Setu to illustrate the figure Sádrśyavati
173. Bhoja cites this skandhaka from
तिमि is explained thus : "तिमि: महामत्स्य:' and 'अस्ति मत्स्यस्तिमि म शतयोजनविस्तृत: ।' इति रामायणम् । The word लोक (सपक्षपर्वतलोकम्) is thus explained : 'समूहेऽपि मतो लोक:' इति रत्नकोष : । - as quoted by Jagaddhara. सपक्षपर्वत - winged mountains - 'those of the mountains which had jumped into the ocean to save their wings when these were being clipped by Indra.
• One commentator says : "अत्र 'इव' शब्दा: सहार्था: सादृश्यार्थाश्च ।" (Vide Handiqui : -...
Notes to Setubandha, p. 210)
174. Bhoja cites this skandhakato illustrate the figure Asadrsyavati sahoktih. Bhoja's
comments on this stanza run as follows : अत्र यामादीनां बहूनां धैर्यादिभिः सह गलनक्रियायामेकस्यामेवाविविक्त: समावेशो दृश्यते । सेयमविविक्तकर्तृक्रियासमावेशा नाम वैसादृश्यवती सहोक्तिः । - सरस्वती, पृ. ४८३.
175. मसि (मसी, मषी) black ashes; दीसंति (दृश्यन्ते) pres. pass. 3rd plu. (are seen); आससु
(आसससु, by haplology आससु) cheer up. In his commentary, Bhuvanapāla observes : ग्रीष्मसमय एवायम् । दवाग्निधूमश्यामलितविन्ध्यशिखराणि न तु वर्षावतार इत्यर्थः । 3146farsicht : 1 Gāhākosa, pp. 34 - 35. It is a well-known poetic convention in Sanskrit that the sight of (rain-) clouds is an excitant of love. "विरहिणां