Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
विच्छुह (वि + क्षिप्) (37.49) to insert, push. विज्जुम्मणिआसलाआ (विद्युन्मणिशलाका) (53.556) flashes of lightning. विज्झ (विद्ध) (65.594) pierced, ppp. from विध्. विज्झविअ (विध्यापित) (736.185; 1422.303) extinguished (ppp. of वि + ध्यापय्) (विज्झविअ = निर्वापित) विट्ठि-दिअह (विष्टि-दिवस) (217.87;180.376; 21.515) “(also called भद्रा), the seventh of
the eleven karanas or astrological divisions of a lunar month (supposed to be inauspicious). विठिदियह can also stand for वृष्टि - दिवस (a rainy day). विष्टि also stands for unpaid labour; so विष्टि-दिवस means 'day of unpaid
labour'. विढप्प (a substitute for अर्जु) (200.83), (विढप्पंति = अय॑न्ते = are acquired.) Read H.
8.4.251: अर्जविढप्प :। विणज्जइ (वि + णज्जइ = ज्ञायते) (1545.322) (णजइ pres. pass. 3rd pers. sing. from णा = ज्ञा) to know विणज्जइ = विज्ञायते = is known. Read H. 8.4.252 : ज्ञो णव्व-णज्जौ ।। विणड (वि + नटय, वि + गुप्) (686.176) to be distracted; to agitate, to confound, perplex. विणिअंसण (विनिवसन - विवसन = नग्न) (582.157) unclothed, naked, nude. विणिम्मविअ (caus. p.p.p. of विणिम्म = वि + निर् + मा) to create (656.172) विनिर्मित created - Note the causal p.p.p. is here used in a non-causal sense. विणेति (वि + निर् + इ) (59.18) to come out, 'swell to stand out'. वित्थअ (= विस्तृत = विशाल - त्थणी = स्तनी) (53.53) one possessing large (plump) breasts. विमलिअ (विमर्दित) (1542.321) bruised, pounded, broken. विम्हरिअ (विस्मृत) (3.540) forgotten. Note म्हर is one of the (nine) आदेशs for - स्मृ, स्मर्
See H. 8.4.74. वियइल (विचकिल) (53.522) a kind of jasmine. विरमालण (गोपन ?) (1010.231) concealing, hiding.
H. 8.4.193 however lays down the root विरमाल as a substitute for प्रतीक्ष (प्रति - + ईक्ष्) to wait for, expect, to look forward to.