Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
सीसंत (कथ्यमान) (1556.324) (सीस - सास = कथय) - (are) being told. सुण्ण (शून्य) (190.81) wholly alone or solitary. सुण्णइअ (शून्यीकृत / शून्यित) (219.87) p.p.p. from denom root from (सुन्न-शून्य) - vacated. सुपरिणाह (= अतिस्थूल) (189.80) bulky or big. सुप्प / सुअ (स्वप्) (760.189) to sleep. सुप्प (शूर्प) (698.178) winnowing basket; Cf. Marathi सूप. सुरवहू (सुरवधू) (147.71) celestial damsels / women. सुव्व (pass. base from (सुण = शृ) (615.164) to hear, learn. सुहच्छिआ (सुखासिका) (1215.265) indulging in pleasure. सुहाव - (सुखय denom. verb from सुह (सुख) (598.161) to give pleasure, delight, enchant,
enrapture, hence हावेइ = सुखयति = सुखं करोति । सुहेल्लि (= सुखम्) (217.87; 579.158;1615.332;15.543) pleasure (सुह + इल्लि) = सुख pleasure; Tot is added here pleonastically (Faref). सूअर [शूकर = (आदि-) वराह) (162.577) the first boar, name of Visnu in his third
incarnation. सूईवेह (सूची-वेध) (37.49) a small hole made with a needle or better, the eye of a needle. सूण (शून) (1276.277) P.p.p. from शू (a weak form of श्वि) swelled, swollen. सेअ (स्वेद) (242.93) perspiration, hence स्वेदच्छल = under the pretext of, in the guise
___of perspiration. सेउल्ल (स्वेदार्द्र) (738.185) wet with sweat or perspiration. सेउल्लिअ (स्वेदार्द्रित) (12.341) wet with perspiration. सेओल्लिअ (स्वेदार्द्रित) (98.61) wet with perspiration. सेल-सुआ (शैल-सुता) (1.1; 5.340) daughter of the mountain Himalaya, Parvati. सोत्थि (स्वस्ति) (70.55; 248.390) the first word written in a letter, meaning 'May God
bless you', 'May you prosper', 'May you fare well'. सोमाल (सुकुमार) ('34.443) gentle. सोवाणपंति (सोपान-पक्ति ) (242.93) a staircase; step-ladder.