Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
15. Dhanika cites this gāthā to illustrate 'Līla' (one of the ten 'svabhāvaja' or
svābhāvika' yoșidalamkāras or bhāvas, ten graces) — 'the sportive imitation of the movements or words of the beloved one'.
16. The graceful manner or dramatic style is suited to the sentiment of śrrgāra. It
admits four varieties. The first is narma (pleasantry, clever jesting) that is again of three kinds. It may be purely comic, or be mingled with love or even with fear. Pleasantry mingled with love is of three kinds also; it may be caused by an allusion to oneself, by manifestation of a desire for enjoyment or by show of jealousy or jealous anger. This gāthā Dhanika cites to illustrate the kind of pleasantry caused by manifestation of a desire for enjoyment of love's delights (sambhoga-narma). Bhoja cites it in his SK (p. 377 v. 139) as an example of the figure Bhāva (Abhitah, sodbhedah variety) and adds by way of gloss : 35 सालोक एव सूर्ये गृहपतेर्गृहागमनं गृहिण्याश्च यत्पादधावनं तदावाभ्यामद्य वेश्मनो न निर्गन्तव्यमिति भाव: । स a seif ERHAC CHEN SUHTA: SISU 279: Again on p. 690, Bhoja cites this
gātha as an example of the type of heroine called 'Farefnufact' - a lady who • has perfect mastery over her husband.
17. Dhanika cites this gäthä as an example of Prapanca, one of the thirteen kinds
of Vīthi. Prapanca (Comic Dialogue) is thus defined and explained : 3RCH ART: स्तोत्रं प्रपञ्चो हास्यकृन्मत: । असद्भूतेनार्थेन पारदार्यादिनैपुण्यादिना यान्योन्यस्तुति: स प्रपञ्च: । DR with Avaloka (p. 66).
18Parigot may better be equated with Paris unsteady, 'agitated', 'uneven' or
19. Regarding the text of this verse the reader may refer to The Introduction to
the Dasarūpaka by T. Venkatācharya (Adyar edn, 1969, pp. XL-XLIX).
20. This găthā is already dealt with; vide DHV S.No.(44.14) supra. While explaining
the Kärikā DR IV. 34 Dhanika's Avaloka has a long and learned discussion regarding to the opposition or incompatibility between two sthāyibhāvas, etc. The पूर्वपक्षिन् cites this gatha (as an example of 'समप्रधानत्वेनानेकस्य भावस्योपनिबन्धनम) and poses the question : In this gāthā rati and utsäha these two sthāyibhāvas, are portrayed as equally prominent then how do you say there is no incompatibility or opposition ? Dhanika replies : 3714 - 39517075 59 FYRAI