Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
The stanza contains the figure मालोपमा.
87. Bhoja illustrates the sentence defect, called संकीर्ण, by citing this gatha :
वाक्यान्तरपदैर्मिश्रं संकीर्णमिति तद्विदु : । - पृ २१. (It is one of the 16 वाक्यदोषs.) After citing the gatha he remarks : अत्र काकं क्षिपति, कूरं खादति, कण्ठे नप्तारं गृह्णाति, श्वानं भीषयते, इत्यादौ वक्तव्ये यथोक्तपदविन्यास: संकीर्यते । - सरस्वती, पृ. २१-२२.
88. Ratnesvara, Bhoja's commentator cites this stanza to illustrate a sentence -
defect, called 3746. For an exposition of this Dosa, the curious reader is referred to Ratnesvara's commentary on SK (I. 31, pp. 22-23).
89. Bhoja cites this găthā to illustrate the Vákyadosa called 379RR. It is the flaw of
the absence of the verb in a sentence. In this gāthā the verb, say "Bow down to", is absent. So this sentence is vitiated by the flaw aśarīra.
90. Bhoja cites this gāthā to illustrate the Vākyadosa, called T441 (which is really
one of the Upama-dosas). Here वापी is the उपमेय and वधू the उपमान. The gatha presents the upameya (वापी) with three विशेषणs (attributes १ संहत २ विकसित and ३ मणाल), but fails to give two of the three corresponding विशेषणs of the उपमान - वधू. Hence Bhoja declares : अत्र नेत्र-बाहूपमापदानां वधूविशेषणत्वेनानुक्तत्वादिदं न्यूनोपमम् ।सरस्वती', । पृ. २६. SP terms it ऊनोपमम्.
91. Bhoja cites this gāthā to illustrate the defect occurring in a sentence called
'अधिकोपमम्'. In this gathā there is one विशेषण (attribute) of the उपमान in excess viz. the swarm of bees for which there is no mention of a corresponding fazlau of the उपमेय. Hence the defect occurring in a sentence called अधिकोपम.
92. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of the वाक्यार्थ-दोष called 'अपक्रमम्'. It is the
lack of the natural order in mentioning things. (तिथिवारज्ञानानन्तरं क्षरकर्म, तत:स्नानभोजने, इति लौकिक: क्रम : । रत्नेश्वर, पृ. ३९.
Bhoja comments on the găthā pointing out why the gāthā is vitiated by the said flaw अत्र क्षुर-कर्मणो ऽ नन्तरं नक्षत्रादिप्रश्नादिदमपक्रमम् । - सरस्वती, पृ. ३९.
93. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of the Vakyartha - dosa called खिन्न. "It
is defined as a poet's incapacity or failure to continue or sustain the development of an idea taken on hand." After citing the gatha, Bhoja observes : अत्र प्रक्रान्तस्य नवपरिणयवतीस्वरूपभणनस्यानियूंढत्वात् खिन्नत्वम् । - सरस्वती, पृ. ३९.