Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
"अभिनयश्च साक्षादिव अर्थाकारादिप्रदर्शिका हस्तादिक्रिया।" In the gathā under consideration the word एतावत् is अनेकार्थ, as it can express any sense that we can convey by a gesture. So by appropriate gestures the word garac in this gātha is restricted to four different meanings.
111. 'भद्रं भवतु सरस्वत्याः' - 'May bliss come to us all from सरस्वती, the Goddess of
'नन्दन्तु व्यासादय :'- 'May Vyasa and others (say, Valmiki, Bhasa, Kalidasa, Bhavabhūti, Bāṇabhatta, etc.) rejoice.'
विदग्धप्रिया (वाणी)-dear to the learned; the poet recognises only three styles-(1) वच्छोमी (= वैदर्भी), the style of the people of वत्सगुल्म (Prakrit वच्छोम), a city in the Vidarbha country; (२) मागधी is better known as गौडी; and (3) पाञ्चालिका (better known as पाञ्चाली). He ignores the fourth style known as लाटी. काव्यकुशला: are the सहृदय - sensitive and sympathetic readers. ज्योत्स्नां चकोरा इव - the चकोर birds are noted for their fondness for the moonlight; विलिहन्तु - may they relish, enjoy.
112. णिएऊण (= दृष्ट्वा ) Hemacandra (8.4.181) records 15 Adesas i.e., - substitutes
for the root get in Prakrit.
118. The verse is cited by Bhoja to illustrate EFİR44. For an idea of st14h one of
the twelve उपरूपकs, vide V. Raghavan : Bhoja's Srrigara Prakasa (1963 edn. pp.546-547).
119. Read the verse as follows :
"अइ दुम्मण-दुम्मणआ अह किं णो पुच्छामि तुमं । ण जिविज्जइ जेण विणा सो परिहिज्जइ कीस जणो ।। अयि दुर्मनसां दुर्मनस्क अद्य किं नु पृच्छामि त्वाम् । न जीव्यते येन विना स परिहियते कस्माज्जन: ॥
The metre is very close to भामिनी (विरहाङ्क' s वृत्तजातिसमुचय, ed. Velankar, III. 51, p. 33); only the second line is irregular and so possibly corrupt."
- Dr. H. C. Bhayani
The verse is cited to illustrate रास [तदेव (= हल्लीसकमेव) तालबन्धविशेषयुक्तं रास:]. For an idea of रास / रासक, read Bhoja's Srigara Prakasa (pp. 561-562).