Prakrit Vetses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
14. The opening skandhaka is Setu (IX. 1) and the concluding one, Setu (IX. 96).
Vide Extracts from Sanskrit Commentary in Appendix I.
19. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide DHV S. No. (52. 16) supra.
20. सामा (= श्यामा) is thus defined : शीतकाले भवेदुष्णा ग्रीष्मे च सुखशीतला । सर्वावयवशोभाढ्या सा
श्यामा परिकीर्तिता || - as cited in बालबोधिनी (पृ. ६३०).
21. This gāthā is already with; vide DHV S. No. (11.8) supra.
22. SP cites this gāthā as an example of 'अध्यासात्मिका तद्भावापत्ति:'. Bhoja thus explains
this term : अर्थस्यातथात्वे ऽ ध्यासादिभिस्तथात्वापादनं तद्भावापत्तिः । सापि षोढा - अध्यासात्मिका ---- | तत्र जानतोऽ प्यतस्मिंस्तदेतदित्यारोपणमध्यास: । पृ. २२४. अध्यास = अध्यारोप (In Vedanta philosophy): erroneously attributing the properties of one thing to another (considering through mistake a rope (which is not really a serpent) to be a serpent] वस्तुनि अवस्त्वारोपोऽध्यारोप: | In the province of poetry, however, this अध्यास or अध्यारोप is आहार्य (volitional), not स्वारसिक (natural, physically existing, not fictitious). बाहूमूल lit. arm-pit, secondarily, breasts close to arm-pits अद्धअंदाण परिवाडिं v. 1. मुद्धयंदाण रिछोलिं Gahakosa (V. No. 436). मुहा = मुधा in vain; M. V. Patwardhan thus remarks. "The crescent moon appearing in the western sky on the first evening of the bright half of a month is very faint and distant, and beyond your reach. But the several crescent moon-like nailmarks (? crescent moons of nailmarks) made by yourself in the arm pit of your wife during amorous play
with her, are quite distinct and within your easy reach — you can even touch • - them with your hand. This is the implication of the word muha.'
SK (p. 622) cites this gatha with the introductory remark : परिहास: स्त्रियां (या) URIT - The stanza is addressed by a woman to her brother-in-law in a jocular or humorous manner.
23. खिक्खिरी: 'खिक्खिरी डुंब-चिंध-लट्ठीए' - डुम्बादीनां स्पर्श-परिहारार्थं चिह्नयष्टिः । DSs, p. 93.
24. पडिवक्ख - प्रतिपक्ष (= सपत्नीजन) मन्यु-पुऔ (acc. plu.) - clusters of jealous anger, i.e.,
exciting the jealous anger of rival wives; लावण्ण - लावण्य-घटौ (कुट = घट) - pitchers of loveliness; पुरिस - पुरुषशतहृदयधृतौ - longed for by hundreds of men; कीस - करमात्; थणंती - स्तनन्ती groaning. Read: SK (V-v. 378); it is cited there as an example of वयसा परिपूर्णा मध्यमा (नायिका) यथा - (पृ. ६८४).