Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
सामलिज्जइ (श्यामलायते) (126.67) becomes dark or sombre. सामा (श्यामा) (126.67; 23.440; 144.573)adark woman (who is in the prime of youth):
शीते सुखोष्ण-सर्वाङ्गी ग्रीष्मे या सुखशीतला । तप्तकाञ्चनवर्णाभा सा स्त्री श्यामेति कथ्यते ॥ सामिवलिअ (= अर्ध-वलित) (153.73; 99.359) सामि ind. partially, half; hence, half-turned. सालिवणगोविआ (शालिवनगोपिका) (95.359) a (young) woman, employed to guard or watch
the rice-fields. साह (one of the ten आदेशs, substitutes for कथ्) (10.29) to tell. साहीण (स्वाधीन) (186.80) (i) at one's disposal (ii) ready for use at any moment. साहुली d (वस्त्रम्) (234.387).a garment, 'saree', 'lower garment'. सिक्करिअ (सीत्कृत) (3.449) p.p.p. used as a noun : hissing sound; the sound sit or sit
(supposed to indicate pleasure, pain or applause); śīt or sīt - a sound made by drawing in the breath (to express any sudden thrill of pleasure or pain,
and especially pleasurable sensations during sexual enjoyment). सिक्कार (= सीत्कार) (31.442; 7.547; 55.556) see above सिक्करिअ = सीत्कृत = सीत्कार. सिढिलिअ (शिथिलित) (1371.292) loosed, loosened, slackened, released. सिण्ण (स्विन्न) (70.55) perspired (here used in the sense of perspiring). सिण्णमुही (स्विन्नमुखी) (708.180) having perspiring or sweating face. सिद्धत्थक (सिद्धार्थक m.) (1456.308) white mustard. सिद्ध-नरिद (= सिद्ध - नरेन्द्र - सिद्धराज) (4.529) name of a king of Gujarat. सिप्पिसंपुड (शुक्ति-संपुट) (160.74) oyester - shell. सिमिसिमाअ (- सिमसिमाय) (onomatopoeic, a word of imitative origin) (228.90; 702.179)
to simmer; in a secondary sense: to be in a state of suppressed anger, indignation, to produce the sound 'sim' 'sim', to simmer, seethe, boil very
gently. सिरि-सहोअर (श्री-सहोदर) (*8.437) co-uterine, born of the same womb from which
Laksmi was born, brother of Laksmi. सीभर (शीकर) (49.350) spray.