Chapter 1 Prakrit Verses In Rudrata's Kävyālaskāra
(with the Tippaņa of Namisādhu)
Note: Keith's perceptive observation regarding Slesa desereves to be quoted here in view of Rudrata's numerous examples of Bhāṣāśleșa
"They (double entendres) have a fatal effect on language; if a double sense is to be expressed, it is impossible for the best of poets to avoid straining meanings, constructions, and word order. The effort leads to constant ransacking of the poetical lexicons extant and turns the pursuit of poetry into an intellectual exercise of no high value to the utter ruin of emotion and thought." – A History of Sanskrit Literature, Oxford, 1928 (p.127)
It has to be admitted that the double entendres including Bháşaśleșa- and Citra (bandha-) kävyas - like khadga-, muraja-, padma-ākāra, etc; are beloved in circles of learned Panditas. Yet the fact remains that they are nothing more than kasta-kāvya. Hence it was thought proper not to waste time in rendering them into English or writing explanatory notes. For the benefit of interested readers however, portions from Namisādhu's commentary are reproduced under serial numbers 3 to 12 - portions that deal with Prakrit language only. For other interpretations they are referred to Namisādhu's commentary on Rudrata's Kávyālaskāra (Nirnaya Sāgara edn, Bombay 1909)
1. This line is the second half of a gātha. So far if has not been possible to trace the whole gātha. Namisādhu cites the line to illustrate the defect (poetic) विवक्षितार्थाप्रतीति: (= विवक्षितार्थाप्रतिपत्ति:) :"अत्र संझं शब्दादनन्तरं 'तत: शब्दमन्तरेण न ज्ञायते किं 'प्रणम्य सन्ध्यां ततो नाथं नमत,' आहोस्वित् 'प्रणतसन्ध्यं नाथं नमत' इति - पृ. ११
2. Please read in the second half of the gāthā H10133 Tecal for the sake of metre.
Dr. Raghavan remarks regarding this gathā : The verse is evidently from the preliminary part of the opening chapter of some Prakrit poem by one Hari"- Bhoja's